Italy 24 Press News

Lerici, tourists ‘help’ citizens pay the waste tax

One hundred thousand euros of tourist tax to mitigate the increase in the waste tax. This is the action decided by the municipal administration of Lerici, which in 2023 earned over 460 thousand euros from the aforementioned tax, due to non-residents who stay overnight in accommodation facilities. The budget councilor spoke about the initiative, as well as the increases, this morning in the city council, Aldo Sammartano, illustrating the tariff procedure, which concluded with approval. “On the one hand, Arera, the Authority for the regulation of energy, networks and the environment, has foreseen a shift in the structure of costs from those intended for the fixed part to those intended for the variable part, somehow burdening the part relating to the number of family members – said the councilor -. On the other hand, the Province of La Spezia, Arera’s reference body in the area, created the economic and financial plan and in it established an increase of 3-4 percent in the costs of the service for 2024; for 2025 there will be an increase of around 10%. Let’s take note of these numbers, which we must adhere to. We are in a monopoly regime from which we have somehow tried to escape, but to date we have not succeeded. To mitigate the effects of the increase in tariffs, the municipal administration has allocated 100 thousand euros of the tourist tax to reduce the economic effects of the increase, to cover the costs of waste collection and disposal in 2024. This has been possible for a few years and we decided to make use of it.” Another innovation on the Tari front decided by the Palazzo Civico and today approved by the Council is the assimilation of bed and breakfasts to hotels without restaurants. Finally, the fixing of the Tari Lericine installments: 31 July, 30 September, 10 December.

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