Italy 24 Press News

Pisa is not just the Tower: new tourism promotion campaign

It will be called “Where is the tower? Pisa is much more” the new tourist promotion campaign for the city aimed at the foreign market. While the title of the national campaign will be “A city from…”. It will be made up of five macro areas, art, sea, nature, tradition and science, and will enhance all the places that best represent Pisa and its tourist offer. The campaign will aim to tell the story of the area, leaving the tower and its most famous square in the background.

500 photographic shots will be produced, 20 video spots will be produced, and 40 editorial contents will be created which will be used in two different advertising campaigns: one dedicated to the national public and one aimed at the foreign public. The promotional campaign will be multilingual.

“Tourism is a fundamental and driving sector for our economy – said the tourism councilor Paolo Pesciatini – but it is an industry that requires a prospective vision, for this reason despite the important results achieved of over 2 million non-residents we must lower our guard in order to also increase the stay of our guests, also aiming to extend the tourist season thanks to our entire reception system. Hence all the interventions implemented and contained in the tourism development plan, which find the realization, after the participation tables, thanks to a loan obtained, which will allow us to enhance the overall tourist proposal of our destination.

Among the lines of intervention, that of communication is essential to be able to narrate our territory in its entirety and thus go beyond miracles. For this reason we have created a multilingual promotion campaign, with a graphic image and a unitary visual language, with the aim of reaching the highest number of potential tourists by representing our entire context to them: cultural, historical, naturalistic, environmental, which goes from the city to the coast, thus covering the entire offer”.

The total cost of 157,380 euros (of which: 146,400 euros from the Ministry of Tourism; 10,980 euros from the Municipality of Pisa), of which approximately a third will be invested on media channels, with a prevalence on the main social platforms (Facebook and Instagram). The entrusted party is Danae Project srl of Massa. The expected duration is 18 months (conclusion end 2025).

In fact, a media plan will be developed for the campaign which includes advertising releases in regional and national media outlets and web advertorial media planning focused on proposals that motivate the visitor to deepen their knowledge of the city and extend their stay. The Social campaigns (Facebook and Instagram) will narrate the city with its peculiarities, highlighting the rich tourist offer, underlining the variety and specificity of the services, products and experiences present (art, history, culture, historical traditions, sea, nature…). The objective is to reach 30 million views during the social campaign, potential tourists interested in the Pisan destination, with particular reference to the Italian (40%) and foreign (60%) public, in particular French, German, Dutch and English.

The tourism promotion campaign is part of a broader program of promotional actions which will soon see the start of four tourism projects intended for the valorisation and promotion of the city for a total value of almost 600 thousand euros (589,870 euros), made up of over 500 thousand euros of ministerial funds, and own and regional resources. In particular, the activities concern tourist signage, the analysis and monitoring of tourist flows, the creation of itineraries and integrated packages, and, indeed, the promotion and communication campaign of the tourist destination.

Source: Municipality of Pisa – Press office

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