Italy 24 Press News

Emilia-Romagna wines on non-EU markets, two tenders to support businesses

The promotion of producers, professional associations and wine consortia towards non-EU countries is increasingly strengthened. The new tools available to wine entrepreneurs are a 7.2 million euro regional tender and also a 21.7 million euro tender from the Ministry for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty for national projects.

«The Region’s task is to support winemaking businesses, protect farmers’ income, guarantee quality work in one of our most important supply chains – explains the regional councilor for Agriculture, Alessio Mammi -. Promotion towards third countries is in turn a fundamental step that allows us to make our high quality products known and brought all over the world, supporting companies in the most attractive markets for our wine. We aim at these interventions as concrete steps to help the wine sector.”

Applications for national projects must arrive by 3pm on 3 July 2024, while for regional and multi-regional projects there will be time until 1pm on 22 July 2024.

Among the financed actions, participation in international events, fairs and exhibitions, public relations, promotion and advertising, information campaigns on wine quality regimes such as Designations of Origin and Geographical Indication, including organic labels.
Regional projects must require a minimum expenditure of 100 thousand euros if destined for a single third country (50 thousand per country if they are joint actions) up to a maximum expenditure of 8 million euros with a contribution that will be recognized at 50%.

The announcement in detail

The promotional activities must be carried out for annual projects: from 16 October 2024 to 30 June 2025, receiving the entire contribution after finishing the project by 15 October 2025.
For two-year projects, the implementation is scheduled from 16 October 2024 to 15 October 2025, receiving 80% of the admitted contribution by 15 October 2025 by presenting a bank or insurance guarantee; the remaining 20% ​​by 15 October 2026.
Each entity can present or join a single national, regional and multi-regional project aimed at different third countries requesting a maximum of 4 million euros in the 2024/25 campaign.

Multi-regional projects must include the promotion of wines from at least two regions and the proposing entity must have operational offices in both.
The Region reserves 300 thousand euros for multi-regional initiatives to finance both those headed by Emilia-Romagna and to finance Emilia-Romagna winemakers who participate in multi-regional projects headed by other Regions.

Regional and multi-regional projects must be presented in the offices of the regional agriculture department in Viale della Fiera 8 in Bologna via express courier, registered mail or hand delivery. Only the date and time of arrival in the Region will be valid.

Both proponents and participants of regional projects must be registered in advance in the register of agricultural companies, in which both agricultural entities and entities from other sectors, public or private, can register.

For further information you can consult the Region’s website, request information by email [email protected] or call 051/5274507.

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