Italy 24 Press News

Taric Terni, tariff adoption chaos: city council open to citizens

To get out of the impasse on the waste tariff (Taric), the president of the highest city council of Terni, at the request of the mayor Stefano Bandecchi, convened an open municipal council. This means that citizens will also be able to intervene during the session, scheduled for Thursday 20 June.

Taric open municipal council The agenda is “the discussion of the problems connected to the adoption of the Taric tariff”. Long discussion from 10am to 4.30pm on Thursday at Palazzo Spada. Here are the methods for citizen intervention: «According to the methods set out in art. 45 of the municipal council regulation and, having recognized the conditions of unavoidable urgency given the existing deadlines on the topic in question – declares the president Sara Francescangeli – the participants will be able to intervene after booking an intervention to be sent to the certified email address of the municipality comune.terni@postacert. by midnight on Tuesday 18 June. In the booking request, the personal details of the person submitting the request must be indicated (art.45 paragraph 4) and the written proposal must be attached if necessary. Requests to speak will be guaranteed in order of receipt and until 3 pm of the council meeting. If the requests produced via certified e-mail are exhausted before 3pm, you will be given the opportunity to book and speak on the spot. In both cases the citizen will have 3 minutes to present his proposal.” «To ensure maximum citizen participation, the councilors and the mayor, at the end, will be able to speak only once for a period of three minutes starting from 3 pm – continues the president of the city council -. Citizens and the press will be allowed to participate in the proceedings, in the space behind the chamber and outside the chamber where they will be able to follow the proceedings through the specially set up screen. Access to the council chamber will be permitted from 9.45 am. As usual, live streaming will be guaranteed on the YouTube channel of the municipality of Terni”.

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