Italy 24 Press News

The best Italy is also record-breaking

Smiles, vivid emotions, emotional tears, blue pride, or rather blue Armani alla Tricolor award ceremony to the standard bearers of Olympic Games And Paralympics. And words so full of meanings that lead us to repeat for the umpteenth time that yes, this is the best youth, this is Italy improve. And according to the common thought expressed by the president of CONI Giovanni Malagòeven the strongest ever if it can really beat the amazing record of medals collected in Tokyo, i.e. 40 (10 gold, 10 silver and 20 bronze): «In Paris we not only want but also can beat the Tokyo record. We must complete the delegation, we are in a position to be optimistic. We want to remain firmly in the top 10 in the world. We will try to be the first European nation in terms of number of medals, as we did in Tokyo and in recent years between the World Championships, European Championships and World Cups. But it all starts from here, we live your closeness with pride, President. Knowing that on July 25th he will be at the Olympic Village and on the 26th he will inaugurate Casa Italia is a pride».

The words of Mattarella and Abodi

After all, it is also written on the blue bus that takes the large selection of athletes to the Quirinale gardens: «Together Incredibles». The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella he has adopted athletes for some time now, yesterday he also took selfies with the athletes, he shook all hands always with an unconventional smile. And he remembered it for example for athletics: «I broke protocol by showing up a second time. But I assure you that it was worth it». And alongside the Minister of Sport Abodiafter the emotional and moving speeches, he conveyed his best wishes with important considerations: «The UN has asked for a truce for the Games: I don’t know if it will happen due to the obtuseness of those who want war, but the message you will send is one of friendship, coexistence and collaboration». Previously you had reserved a thought for each of the 4 protagonists.

On the four protagonists

Mother Errigo who was moved by thinking about the hardships and joys of her commitment as a mother and an athlete, Gimbo Tamberi in an institutional version, but always from the heart, Ambra Sabatini and the dean Luca Mazzone. Above all, he placed emphasis on the values ​​expressed by the champions of our sport: «For me it is the third meeting in preparation for the summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. This ceremony is never repetitive, it is always totally new, because the events, the conditions and the unrepeatable commitment of the athletes are new. I would like to congratulate Arianna Errigo on her excellent ability to cope with two commitments, as a mother and as a champion. It’s an extraordinary demonstration. I tell Gianmarco Tamberi that the more I think about the evening of the European triumph, the more I doubt whether he deliberately created a thriller worthy of Hitchcock. Like Larissa Iapichino winning silver with the last jump. I tell Luca Mazzone that I consider it an emblem of how apparently distant aspects such as swimming and cycling are brought together. I define Ambra Sabatini as an athlete of enthusiasm. You will go to Paris and involve our fellow citizens, including me. Many boys and girls, but also adults, will be encouraged to dedicate themselves to sports. It’s a fascinating result. Disciplines emerge that don’t find much visibility in the rest of the year but offer an openness to variety… In Paris you will put all your effort into it with loyalty and respect for your opponents. It will be a first victory. Your behavior will honor Italy».

Pancalli: “Paris is very important”

And the president of the Paralympic Committee Andrea Pancalli had already remembered that, «Paris is very important: it will be an opportunity to reiterate the importance of sport and the value of differences and diversity so that this country understands more and more and better how important diversity is. Happiness is a condition of the soul that we must nourish. Sport is an extraordinary driver of this. Tamberi’s hugs represent our country and the emotions that sport generates. After Tokyo, the Games are once again expected to embrace». After all, the chosen standard bearers are extraordinary human beings.

The emotion of Errigo, Tamberi, Mazzone and Sabatini

Arianna Errigo she is repeatedly moved when speaking of the motherhood that made her «a more mature athlete and a better mother… The tiredness is endless, but you have to train, because the responsibilities multiply». Gimbo Tamberi: «We are ambassadors of values, human beings who do everything to raise the name of Italy in the world and make… I dream of carrying with Arianna the flag of the most united nation in the world. I will remember this day for a lifetime. And I thank my wife for these 15 years. The people you hang out with make you better». Mazzone he remembered that he was the dean: «After almost a quarter of a century of competition, sport continues to excite me. I never thought I would experience this great emotion as standard bearer of the Games, a sign that sport is truly, in fact and not just in the lines written on the Constitution, a great resource for the country, an investment for the future of citizens». AND Ambra Sabatini: «Emotion, pride, that shiver that runs down your spine when you understand that you will be the one walking at the head of the group holding the flag that represents us in your hands. On the other, the conviction, the will, that inner drive that allowed me to dream big in sport as well as in life». It’s Italy at its best. And through the standard bearers she asks for the Olympic truce. Winning and committed.

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