Italy 24 Press News

Upper Venetian Plain – ANBI Veneto: “Water, Environment and Territory”

Conclusion of teaching activities for the 2023-2024 school year, enthusiastic participation of local schools – Alta Pianura Veneta – ANBI Veneto.

Another school year is coming to an end and so too do the educational activities carried out by the Consorzio di Bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta in collaboration with ANBI Veneto and some local associations, which have offered students unique opportunities to learn and raise awareness on the issues of environmental sustainability.

High Venetian Plain

ANBI Veneto

Together with ANBI Veneto, the Consortium participated in the project “Water, Environment and Territory”, promoted by the Veneto Region and the Regional School Office, within which they were three courses for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) were created with two technical institutes, ITET Pasini of Schio (VI) and IIS Ferraris-Fermi of Verona. The PCTOs represent a fundamental pillar in the educational activities of the Consorzio di Bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta, as they offer students a practical and educational experience in the field, allowing them to acquire essential knowledge and skills in the sector of water and environmental management.

Through monitoring activities, study of river basins and educational workshops, students had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the dynamics linked to the management of water resources and the importance of environmental protection.

The students of the GARA (Water Management and Environmental Sanitation) course of Ferraris-Fermi they worked on the theme of the Montorio resurgences, studying water management and restoration techniques and developing practical skills through laboratory activities, such as taking some water samples and subsequent analyses.

The video created by the students documents their journey and the interventions carried out at the resurgences, highlighting the importance of these natural springs for the local ecosystem.

The two classes ofITET Pasini instead they developed two specific projects aimed at exploring local environmental dynamics and proposing innovative solutions for the management of water resources. PCTOs are an investment for the future, as they contribute to the training of new highly qualified resources in the field of hydraulic and environmental management. By encouraging the active participation of students and promoting awareness on issues related to sustainability, the Consorzio di Bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta is committed to cultivating the skills necessary to face the environmental challenges of the future.

Creazzo Lamination Basin

In parallel to the activities with ANBI Veneto, the Consortium organized six naturalistic visits to the Creazzo Lamination Basin. This is part of the Artemide Project. In collaboration with the Civil Protection of Montecchio Maggiore (VI). These visits allowed primary school students to directly explore local ecosystems, understanding the importance of reclamation works and water management for land protection.

The Alta Pianura Veneta Reclamation Consortium would like to thank all the teachers, students and collaborators who contributed to the success of these initiatives. Particular thanks go to the schools involved, who showed great interest and commitment.

We hope that these experiences have enriched the students’ cultural and educational background. The Consortium will continue to promote quality educational initiatives, in the belief that education is a fundamental pillar for building a sustainable future.

San Boniface, 13 June 2024.

Source Francesca Carrettoni Communications Office


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