Italy 24 Press News

Critical issues ASL Salerno in the Salerno area, union meeting: requests accepted

Following the meetings held by the RSA/RSU delegates with the CISL FP Territorial Secretariat regarding the many critical issues that are leading to the collapse of the health system in the province of Salerno, so much so as to announce the state of agitation of the staff, the meeting was held yesterday. meeting with the public sector. On the agenda are Employment Trends, Verification of Staffing, Overtime Work, Internal Mobility, PEO II Phase as well as the Restricted Funds Regulation.
The note from the CISL Fp organization signed by the provincial secretary Alfonso Della Porta
Employment trends and verification of staffing levels

the delegates and the CISL Fp secretariat, following the copious recruitment that this company is carrying out, have asked for the activation of the procedures for the transfer of area, within the same area as well as to go into detail about the staffing with particular attention to each macro-centre where a significant shortage of personnel has emerged with respect to all profiles of the sector for a total of over 300 units;

they requested an authoritative intervention from the health management in order to resolve the problem, with immediate monitoring in relation to the actual workloads since following various provisions the maximum ceiling for the performance of overtime work was blocked, even if only economical since through shifts, service orders and holidays, in practice surplus hours are being worked;
Internal mobility

the RSU delegates and the territorial secretariat requested the complete start of the procedure since the transfers took place exclusively in the facilities and only for nurses without considering the other profiles despite the substantial recruitment;
• PEO II Phase: the RSU delegates and the CISL Fp secretariat requested the definitive publication of the results of the PEO second phase within the current month and the related payment of the fees to those entitled no later than the month of July 2024, also for the purpose to be able to proceed with the agreement on the use of economic resources aimed also at the attribution of economic professionalism differentials (DEP 2024);
Regulations for Restricted Fund Projects

they pointed out that the matter cannot be regulated outside the system of measurement and evaluation of annual organizational and individual performance as provided for by the aforementioned CCNL, as proposed with a separate regulation; therefore the unification of the two regulations was requested with subsequent information and comparison in order to protect all workers.
In addition, regarding the activation of the training course for family nurses established by the Campania Region for the activation of hospitals and community homes, the RSU delegates and the CISL FP Secretariat highlighted the need for a discussion to best define the programming in relation to the activation of the structures envisaged by this company for Community Homes and Hospitals and in order not to invalidate the processes and at the same time to block the identification of personnel to be temporarily assigned to the COT since an internal notice has not been activated of expression of interest, considering the internal provisions issued by some health directors to be illegitimate.
The Strategic Management, in accordance with the declarations made, has guaranteed the immediate activation of the recruitment of operators in the sector and in the meantime, the release of time cards for the performance of overtime work in derogation of the 250 hours for the deficient departments following the request and authorization of the Director in Charge of the Facility endorsed by the Company Health Director: on this matter he ensured the sending of the report drawn up with all the health directors involved drawn up following a meeting held on 12/06/2024.
It accepted the request for the activation of internal mobility, as well as for the unification and subsequent comparison for the regulation of restricted funds projects and guaranteed the publication of the second phase PEO ranking by July as there are errors in the calculation of the system of score”.

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