Italy 24 Press News

Coletti queen of preferences in Ferrara La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara From zero to 656. Cristina Coletti she is the undisputed queen of preferences, of this election and previous ones. The outgoing councillor, appointed to the council in the last mandate directly by mayor Fabbri as a trusted person, is the woman with the most votes overall in the last four electoral rounds, from 2009 to today. A test bench, the administrative elections that have just passed, through which the League candidate relied on the judgment of the people of Ferrara: the result is never a given but the road to reconfirmation was well traced. “A nice recognition by the city for the work carried out in these five years, especially in a delicate area such as that of socio-health policies: he paid for the work done with all the associations.” Arriving in Ferrara in 2019, Coletti had to immerse herself in a new reality, of which «I didn’t know the balance – she admits -, but community and the desire to give a place to all those who had the objective of doing good was demonstrated right from the start. of the city. A transparent commitment, through tenders and not direct donations: tools to recover people’s dignity and not welfare.” And it is therefore with “great serenity” that Coletti got back into the game, “because I have a clear conscience and in the last five years I have and we have given our best, in a serious and constant way, tackling various problems such as the pandemic and the repercussions of the war in Ukraine.” A re-nomination supported and encouraged by the mayor, which Cristina Coletti knows well: «I have been working with Alan Fabbri for many years – she explains -. We brought the “Bondenese formula” to Ferrara and therefore openness, listening and closeness to the needs of the population.” Coletti’s political experience began precisely in the Matildean municipality, covering all positions, from councilor to acting mayor, through councilor, deputy mayor and prime minister. All alongside Fabbri: «I am from his school – he acknowledges -, we grew up together and I have a lot of respect for him. My position is privileged because up to now I have enjoyed his way of doing and being.” A relationship, human and professionalwhich also allowed her to overcome the worries related to re-nomination: «Alan once told me: “People vote for people“». And for Coletti the recognition of trust and esteem has widely arrived, so much so that the people of Ferrara have made her the most voted woman. «I have received many messages of affection and congratulations, but more than anything else I was pleased by the “te you deserve it”: in three words the whole journey, all the commitment of five years is concentrated”. Now we have to look to the future and it is almost certain that Coletti will do so with a place on the council. The delegation to social and health policies will not seems to be under discussion, also because the work is well directed: «The area plan is ready – he informs -: confirmation has arrived from the Region of the start of programming for socio-health policies, tools open and necessary to all». elected at the Lega quota, however, underlines: «For the department I defer to the will of the mayor. Alan has always demonstrated that he has the ability to lead a municipality: he has clear ideas about what it will be.”

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