Italy 24 Press News

3.7 million tax damage in the Campania region, 17 “investigated” – News

A tax damage of almost 3.7 million euros is contested by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office for Campania of the Court of Auditors (substitute general prosecutors Mauro Senatore and Davide Vitale, coordinated by the prosecutor Antonio Giuseppone) against 17 managers and former managers of the Campania Region.

Among the recipients of the invitations to deduce notified by the Economic-Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples include the current president of the Campania Regional Council, Gennaro Oliviero, the former president, Rosa D’Amelio, and various members or former members of the Presidential Office of the Regional Council, including Vincenzo Maraio, now national secretary of the Italian Socialist Party.

According to the reconstruction of the accounting magistrates and financiers, through resolutions adopted between 2019 and 2021, the apical bodies of the Regional Council continued to provide the so-called administrative coordinators of the council groups and the secretariat managers of the council commissions with illicit ancillary economic treatment equated to managerial treatment despite the fact that a Constitutional Court ruling had already declared the unconstitutionality of similar economic treatment through the creation of special funds established by regional laws.

In essence, according to the investigators, they persisted in recognizing treatment similar to managerial treatment to figures without an adequate professional profile in contrast with the exclusive competence assigned in the matter to the state legislator, with the national collective labor agreement and with the same regional legislation introduced starting from 2021 as well as in violation and evasion of the constitutional ruling.

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