Italy 24 Press News

«For Serie A, next to Bonny, we need an experienced striker»

«Barba-Bomber» has returned to Parma. For love, because his partner Denise and his splendid two and a half year old daughter Nina live here. Pleased to please, because since he started scoring his first goals in the cross shirt, he has always felt at home. Out of duty, because at the end of the season with Grosseto, while waiting for a new team (possibly with limited mileage), he undertook a new business: renting cars and vans. And since Manuel Nocciolini knows a lot about cars and football, we played with him a bit: «Thinking of the championship in which they were the protagonist, Parma could be compared to a Ferrari: beautiful, roaring and admired by everyone» .

Two players like Man and Bernabè, however?

«The Romanian striker is definitely a Lamborghini, a very fast car just like he is on the offensive front. The Spanish midfielder, however, is a Rolls Royce because he has an innate elegance. Classy car for a classy player.”

And our coach?

«With his motto “Everybody in”, Mister Pecchia could be a Mercedes Van. Indeed he would be the expert driver who takes the team towards the goal.”

Who do you think was the leader of this team and who was the leader of your Parma?

«The unity of the group, in both cases, was fundamental to achieving the goal. In my case there was Alessandro Lucarelli but he wasn’t the only one: figures like those of Di Cesare, Corapi and Giorgino had a great specific weight. Today, in addition to Captain Del Prato, I underline the importance of Fabio Pecchia: simply fundamental.”

In his year of Lega Pro with Parma, he scored 13 goals and 3 assists: which match is closest to your heart?

«The match against Pordenone: I scored a hat-trick. We were losing 2-0 and managed to turn the match around. Three goals, all unforgettable even if each one is different from the other.”

And the most important marking?

«Definitely the one in the final against Alessandria: it was the doubling goal, the worst, aesthetically, of my life. A little head, a little neck. But what a thrill.”

Where did his nickname originate?

«Here in Parma, from a friend-fan who, one day, drew up the crusade formation with everyone’s nicknames. From that moment I became “Barba-Bomber” and shortly after the celebration was born that, even today, I continue to carry with me».

Lately we see fewer and fewer iconic celebrations after a goal.

«It’s true: if I think of Parma I think of Charpentier “the general”, the slides towards the flag, the open arms and the group hugs. But nothing characterizing. But I have an explanation.”

What would it be?

«The VAR: even after scoring, you never know if the goal will actually be validated. And the enthusiasm is dampened. Often we rejoice twice but the first always has a bit of suspense.”

Speaking of goals, does Parma need a new striker for Serie A?

“I think so. I am an admirer of Bonny but I would pair him with a more experienced centre-forward. In this way he would have less responsibility and would be allowed to grow in a more homogeneous way, while still giving him the space he deserves.”

In which departments do you see the need to intervene?

«The leap from Serie B to Serie A is certainly challenging. I believe we need to invest in athletes who know the championship. I consider Valeri, for example, an excellent purchase. Valuable player that coach Pecchia knows well, given the positive period together with Cremona.”

Speaking of coaches, you had Apolloni, Morrone and D’Aversa in Parma.

«I owe everything to Apolloni: I arrived in Collecchio as the last striker and, after a good pre-season, he gave me confidence. Morrone only trained me for a couple of weeks but it was a great experience: he made us understand the importance of facing any opponent without fear.”

And D’Aversa?

«He always repeated that on the team the only one he could argue with was me because we would find a way to make peace. We had a great relationship. A curiosity linked to that year: I was the only player from that Parma team to score under the guidance of all three coaches.”

Pietro Razzini

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