Italy 24 Press News

Round table “Sport and social inclusion”


The importance of sport and physical activity in the life plan of people with disabilities

Palazzo Chiericati in Piazza Matteotti – Opening hours: from 3.30pm to 6.15pm

As part of the Play the Games 2024, which will see the area between Vicenza Montecchio Maggiore theater of a busy calendar of competitions dedicated to athletes with intellectual-relational disabilities on the next 21, 22 and 23 June, the Berico capital is hosting an important event collateral at the Palazzo Chiericati headquarters.

On Friday 14 June, starting at 3.30 pm, the Municipality of Vicenza and Special Olympics Team Veneto are organizing a round table entitled “Sport and Social Inclusion – The importance of sport and physical activity in the life project of people with disabilities ”. Moderated by the City Councilor with responsibility for inclusive policies Mauro Burlina, the debate will be attended by Claudia Treviso, Provincial Director of Special Olympics Vicenza, Blanca Ojeda Montes, Disability Pedagogist Ulss8 Berica and Claudia Munaro, Inclusion Representative of the VIII Territorial Area of ​​Vicenza. Special Olympics athletes, coaches and family members will also attend.

At the end of the event, the Olympic torch is expected to arrive at 6pm, escorted by the volunteer torchbearers of the State Police, engaged in the Torch Run route which, based on the international Olympic protocol adopted by Special Olympics Italia, announces the start of the games by testifying with the its passage the universal values ​​of sport and inclusion.

Entrance to Palazzo Chiericati is free and guaranteed while seats last.

Place of occurrence: Palazzo Chiericati in Piazza Matteotti

Entrance: free

Manager: Event organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Vicenza through the department of sport and social policies


Reservation is welcome at this link

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