Italy 24 Press News

50,000 euros from the Sicily Region to agricultural entrepreneurs. Find out the requirements to access – Today Milazzo

The Sicily Region has published a modified and integrated tender, part of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, to encourage the establishment of young farmers. The call offers a prize of 50,000 euros as a capital grant to support young agricultural entrepreneurs.

Access Requirements:

– Age: Between 18 and 41 years of age.

– Education: Qualification in the agricultural, agri-food, environmental, veterinary or forestry sectors. Alternatively, a different qualification with a training course of at least 150 hours on agri-food, environmental or social issues, or three years of work experience in the agricultural sector (

– Training Course in Milazzo: Specific course starting in Milazzo with Fima Formazione ( / 0909221334).

Commitments and Obligations:

– Manage the farm as farm manager for at least five years from the date of payment of the balance of the premium.

– Take on the role of “active farmer” within 18 months of notification of the concession decree.

– Make the settlement effective within 90 days of the final ranking and complete the activities within 36 months of notification of the concession decree (

Economic Size of the Company:

– Minimum Standard Production (PS): 8,000 euros in smaller islands and disadvantaged and mountainous areas, 10,000 euros in other areas.

– Maximum PS: 250,000 euros (

Application Submission Procedure:

Applications can be submitted from May 21, 2024 until September 30, 2024. The use of Adobe Reader is recommended for completing and digitally signing the necessary documents. Applications must be sent via the National Agricultural Information System (SIAN) portal or through the Agricultural Assistance Centers (CAA) (

Expected benefits:

The call intends to promote generational turnover in the Sicilian agricultural sector, supporting innovation and sustainability in agricultural practices. The initial contribution of 50,000 euros aims to cover the start-up costs of the business, making it easier for young agricultural entrepreneurs to establish themselves.

For further information and to access the complete documentation, visit the official website of the call at



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