Italy 24 Press News

Storm in the Municipality of Caserta: five arrests, the councilor for public works is also there

Votes paid 50 euros on the occasion of the 2021 municipal elections. This insight also emerges from the investigation that hit the Municipality of Caserta this morning, leading to the arrest of the councilor for public works of the Municipality of Caserta, Massimiliano Marzo, two Municipality managers, a Municipality employee and an entrepreneur. The five were placed under house arrest. The crimes of fraud, forgery and corruption for the awarding of some public contracts have been contested in various ways. The investigation was conducted by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of Caserta and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Started two years ago, the investigation focuses on public works and contracts for street works and public lighting.

According to the accusation, in some cases the contracts were ‘unpackaged’ to make the award below the threshold and thus favor the conniving entrepreneurs. The favored winners, in exchange, would have given public officials – depending on the case – favors, but also (in one case) the payment of car insurance, or construction work carried out in private homes. The prosecutor’s office also contests the use of construction supplies to be used for public works awarded in the company of which the councilor under investigation was a 50 percent co-owner. “During the entire period of time in which the suspects were monitored, collusion was witnessed aimed at directing the execution and management of work assignments in exchange for promises or benefits,” we read in a press release. As for electoral corruption and vote buying, the breakdown of the “trading of votes” – it was specified in the press conference – does not concern the five people receiving precautionary measures but concerns one of the other 14 suspects not reached by a restrictive measure.

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