Italy 24 Press News

Viterbo – Sberna (FdI): “It will be my task and burden to bring answers to the territory from Europe”

The newly elected greets the city council and receives many bipartisan compliments from her minority and majority colleagues

VITERBO – The historic result of Antonella Sberna, representative of the Brothers of Italy elected to the European Parliament, was reaffirmed today in the city council by all her majority and opposition colleagues. Congratulations and bipartisan compliments, also from the first citizen Chiara Frontini, who greeted her colleague who will soon go to the European Parliament for new commitments.

“The 40 days that have just passed were the most particular and tiring of my life – declared Sberna – but they led to a huge and unexpected result. I have to thank Fratelli d’Italia because it was the only party in this province that believed until the end that this territory could have its own representative in Europe”.

“Beyond the emotion, this is a huge opportunity for Viterbo – he continued – I love this city and I must thank all the citizens of the province who gave me their support in these elections. It will be my task and responsibility to bring responses from the European Parliament to this territory and, obviously, to represent all of Italy together with my elected colleagues”.

These words could indirectly confirm the return of Melonian Gianluca Grancini to the city council, as already anticipated in a previous article of ours, if Antonella Sberna made her resignation as city councilor official.

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