Italy 24 Press News

Drought in Sicily, compensation worth 10 million euros blocked

June 13, 2024, 3:44 pm

1 minute read

PALERMO – Funds on standby for farmers affected by drought in Sicily. The majority did not appear at the Ars Productive Activities commission, thus missing the quorum to express an opinion on the fodder decree issued by the Agriculture Department on the basis of the law approved in Sala d’Ercole before the electoral stop for the European elections .

The fodder decree provides for the purchase by the Region of 10 million euros of hay at the price of 29 cents per kg plus an additional 6 cents for transport, to be allocated to farmers affected by drought.

The opinion of the Productive Activities commission was postponed see you next week and the funds are therefore on standby. For the director of the Agriculture department, Dario Cartebellotta, the resources can be released within 24 hours, but the opinion of the commission on the decree is needed.

The absent

At the convocation of the president of the commission Gaspare Vitrano (Fi)the deputies Giuseppe Catania (FdI), Alessandro De Leo (Misto), Dario Safina (Pd) and Luigi Sunseri (M5s) showed up. Absent for the center-right Michele Mancuso (Fi), Giorgio Assenza (FdI), Giuseppe Castiglione (Autonomists), Vincenzo Figuccia (Lega), Riccardo Gallo (Fi) and Salvatore Giuffrida (Dc).

“We had the general discussion – says Vitrano – I reconvened the commission on Tuesday at 9 for the final vote”. For Safina “the measure under examination certainly gives a breath of fresh air to farmers, however we hope that in the budget change maneuver, which will arrive in the Budget Committee next Tuesday, an additional 10 million will be allocated”.

Published on

June 13, 2024, 3:44 pm

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