Italy 24 Press News

Structural cardiology, the ‘Your Heart Matters’ training tour in Italy

The ‘Your Heart Matters’ roadshow has also arrived in Italy, a European initiative by Medtronic aimed at healthcare professionals in the field of structural cardiology, which also includes some stops in our country to promote continuous training on the latest and most innovative interventional techniques such as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedure for the treatment of aortic valve stenosis. The tour, carried out in collaboration with some excellent hospital and university structures, started on June 4th from Pisa, the national tour, after having touched Bologna and Turin, will end on the 20th in Lecce.

“Your Heart Matters – explains Stefano Lusian, head of the Structural Cardiology division at Medtronic Italia – is a project that aims to train healthcare workers in structural cardiology by putting patients at the centre, in order to improve the quality of care provided to them. With this initiative, Medtronic confirms itself as a partner of excellence in technological innovation and training and education programs.”

Inside the ‘Your Heart Matters’ mobile unit, cardiologists and specialized nurses can deepen their knowledge of Tavi therapy and practice with simulators and practical workshops that replicate the main phases of the diagnosis and treatment process faced by a patient suffering from stenosis aortic (Sa) severe. Aortic valve stenosis – explains a note – is the most common heart valve disease in adults, with a prevalence that increases with age. TAVI was created as an alternative, in limited cases, to traditional cardiac surgery for aortic valve replacement. The positive results and the less invasive nature of the procedure have significantly expanded the number of eligible patients: currently, the indication extends to patients over 75 years of age and to those with high comorbidities. It is probable that this basin will expand further and that the number of TAVI interventions will soon reach and surpass the traditional ones. This perspective underlines the relevance and the need to extend training, allowing specialized centers to respond to the growing demand and reduce waiting lists. Currently, in fact, half of the patients who could benefit from the TAVI procedure do not have access to it and the territorial disparities and regional fragmentation of the National Health Service are significant.

The ‘Your Heart Matters’ campaign not only promotes the growth of technology and skills but also addresses all stakeholders, contributing to the development of relationships within the healthcare network. “It is essential – observes Luciano – to encourage constant dialogue between hub and spoke centres, between medical and nursing staff, and the producers of the most advanced technologies to improve the quality of care and ensure that patients can benefit from the innovations available today”.

The first stage took place on 4 June in Pisa, at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna, where the equipped mobile unit arrived in the Cnr area. The day in the company of the truck was dedicated to simulating the various phases of the patient’s journey. Organized together with Sergio Berti, Scientific Coordinator of the Master and Director of Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology of Monasterio, the event addressed various relevant topics. The importance of collaboration with companies in the sector in continuous training on Tavi therapy and the integrated approach to the patient care path was discussed. Furthermore, it was underlined how the concept of technological innovation today also includes the issue of its sustainability and usability. Finally, the objectives to ensure equitable access to care and the sustainability of the pathways were explored.

“Aortic valve stenosis – explains Berti – is emerging as a significant pathology, mainly due to its degenerative nature and the aging of the population. Currently, its prevalence is slightly higher than 3%. Not all patients require surgery ; the indications concern those with symptomatic severe aortic valve stenosis. According to the French Haute Autorité de Santé, the need for therapy is approximately 400 interventions per million inhabitants. It is essential that the national health system is organized to provide these interventions in a manner efficient, guaranteeing all patients the best possible treatment. However, not all regions have the economic resources and operators necessary to carry out this procedure.”

The second stage reached Bologna on 5 June, on the occasion of the world congress of cardiac surgery for congenital heart pathologies and the Sicp congress included the practical workshop in Interventional Cardiology with Professor Massimo Chessa, aimed at young interventional cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. The third stage, on 11 and 12 June at the Ordine Mauriziano Hospital in Turin, offered educational sessions with Tavi simulators to echocardiographers and interventional cardiologists. Among the professionals present there were also cardiologists Innocenzo Scrocca, Tiziana Aranzulla, Gianmarco Annibali and Giorgio Quadri.

“Despite the national and regional increases in interventions with Tavi prostheses – reiterates Giuseppe Musumeci, director of Cardiology at the Ordine Mauriziano Hospital of Turin – the number of patients treated is unfortunately low compared to health needs. It is important to increase the pool of doctors and expert centers so as to be able to respond to the growing demand for the intervention.” The equipped mobile unit of Your Heart Matters will then continue its journey in Italy and finally, the last stage of the roadshow will take place on 20 June at the Vito Fazzi Hospital in Lecce and will be organized with the contribution of Giuseppe Colonna, director of the department of Interventional Cardiology and Hemodynamics.

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