Italy 24 Press News

Costs of Felettino, Christmas: “Answers dated by two months from the council Toti stopped”

“Never before have I received a post-dated response to a question like what happened last Tuesday without the content being updated. On 11 June we would have liked to obtain an update from the regional council on the rebalancing of the economic-financial plan relating to the concession for the construction and management of the future hospital in La Spezia. It’s a shame that the point of the situation was a note prepared by him on April 20th, or two days after my question was filed. An unworthy scene that shows little respect for the institutions.” Davide Natale, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, says so. “A litmus test of how much the activity of the regional council is at a standstill”. “It would have seemed the minimum to have updated information consistent with the current situation – continues Natale – on a topic on which delay seems to be the only common denominator of the Toti council’s action. While yet another deadline indicated by the centre-right for the laying of yet another foundation stone expires, there are no certainties also regarding any increases in the operation, which could impact the La Spezia healthcare company and therefore the citizens themselves. This is not a trivial matter. For this reason we will re-present the question as is. Toti and the centre-right are not making fun of the opposition with this attitude, but of all the people of La Spezia”.

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