Italy 24 Press News

40 oncology women parade in traders’ clothes

On Sunday 9 June within the splendid setting of the Santa Caterina Museum in Treviso, in a packed room, the 6th edition of La Forza in Passerella took place, an initiative organized by “La Forza in Passerella”, a newly formed APS chaired by Michela Bardi , with the support of Confcommercio Treviso, the “Giovanni XXIII” Hospital of Monastier and with the collaboration of the Municipality of Treviso and the Civic Museums of Treviso on the occasion of the exhibition “Woman on stage. Boldini Selvatico Martini”.

«Now we are able to walk alone, we have become APS to offer concrete and continuous support to all women facing an oncology journey. The birth of ‘La Forza in Passerella’ represents an important step towards autonomy and resilience, allowing the creation of a network of support and solidarity. – Comments President Michela Bardi – As APS, our goal is to continue to promote initiatives that enhance femininity, resilience and solidarity between women, creating safe spaces where everyone can feel welcomed, supported and valued in their uniqueness».

And so it was that Sunday’s event was not just a glamorous event, but a special day that celebrated the resilience and femininity of 40 women, aged 28 to 76, who have faced, or are facing, a journey oncological, in particular breast cancer; a “therapeutic” fashion show that allowed them to experience normality, sharing stories and emotions in an atmosphere of serenity and light-heartedness, courageously putting themselves on the line to show off their rediscovered beauty also thanks to the Confcommercio traders who lent them clothes and made the professional skills of hair stylists and make up artists available.

Renata, one of the senior models in the group, says: «At my age, when I was diagnosed with cancer, I thought it was over but instead I got younger, and it still goes on». «Antonietta is a new entry in her first fashion show: “I was already following La Forza on the Catwalk from Piazzale Burchiellati (2nd edition); I’ve seen all their previous shows. In my opinion, this helped me throughout the process to be less afraid when I was diagnosed with the disease.” «I met this fantastic group thanks to Romina – says Manuela – I found sisters who are always there. Parading allows us to no longer be afraid, we feel like women again and we show ourselves for who we are.”

The 40 models, led by the founder and now President of the APS “La Forza in Catwalk”, Michela Bardi, who at the beginning of the evening wanted to remember Barbara Carron who recently passed away with a loud round of applause, paraded wearing clothes from 7 shops of Confcommercio Treviso: G Vintage, Berto’s, Gentj Camicie, Altromercato Store, Mooni Boutique, Ghrungoo The call of angels and Niri Boutique who, coordinated by the Stylist Doris Feltrin, made available their clothes and accessories chosen thinking about the physicality of each individual model. The women were also able to take advantage of the precious contribution of hair styling and make up professionals who made the event unforgettable, pampering them and making them feel like “divas for an evening”.

A particular bond of complicity, gratitude and trust has been created between models, shopkeepers, hairdressers and make-up artists. “When the models came to the store to choose the clothes it was a surprise, I wasn’t sure what to expect but they trusted and let themselves be guided. Being here is a great emotion” says Giada, owner of G Vintage

The models’ outings, presented by stylist Doris Feltrin, were interspersed with interventions by Maria Teresa De Gregorio (Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Treviso), Rosanna Vettoretti (Councillor for the Productive City of the Municipality of Treviso), Fabrizio Malachin Director of the Civic Museums of Treviso, Federico Capraro (President of Confcommercio Treviso), and Doctor Pasquale Piazzolla (Head of the breast department at the “Giovanni XXIII” of Monastier). The Hospital, in particular in the person of Matteo Geretto, has always believed in this project, born in 2020 during the pandemic from an idea by Michela Bardi who, after having encountered the disease, looked for a way to help other women defeat the emotional and psychological suffering that interventions and therapies entail, through a process of rediscovering oneself and one’s inner beauty which is then reflected in external beauty. Michela always repeats to her models “remember that first of all you parade dressed in your light”, that light which enhances the clothes worn even more:

There was a lot of emotion and teary eyes among the audience present: a message of hope and courage that went straight to the hearts of those present, family and friends of these models… truly special.

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