Italy 24 Press News

“Wildlife threatens local production” –

Called to the Provincial Assembly to approve the budget and the programmatic lines for this year, the section presidents of Coldiretti Savona met with the leaders of the association. First of all, the final balance sheet for the year 2023 was approved, which reports a profit and therefore underlines a position of economic solidity on the part of the Association. Furthermore, the two macro issues of priority importance were discussed and analysed: the problem of wildlife and the defense of Made in Italy through mobilizations and protests.

“Thanks to the territorial meetings in February and March – say the President of Coldiretti Savona Marcello Grenna and the Provincial Director Antonio Ciotta – we have gathered among our farmers the overwhelming presence of wild boars in the crops of the territory, from the hinterland to the coasts. A problem of the gender cannot be postponed or put on the back burner”.

The damage caused by wildlife is immense, especially if we think of a leading sector for the entire province of Savona such as agriculture. In fact, the agriculture of the Savona area is today ranked first in terms of PLV (Gross Salable Production) within the agriculture practiced in the four Ligurian provinces.

“A sector at risk due to a total lack of control of wildlife: our farmers live on flowers, plants, aromatic herbs. How can they expect to survive the passage of wild boars on their lands?”.

To this, during the Assembly, the question of the defense of Made in Italy and therefore of a principle of reciprocity at an international level was added. “We are not against imports, let’s be clear – explain Grenna and Ciotta – but the time has come for a clear turning point in the trade agreements which in recent years have favored the subsidized importation into Italy of agri-food products coming from abroad and sold as made in Italy”. This is sanctioned by law, and specifically by the current customs code on the origin of food which allows this real identity theft.

Following this, Coldiretti Savona – with a unanimous vote of the Assembly – decided to continue the mobilization process undertaken for several months at a national level, carrying actions of participation, commitment and proposal across the territory.

“What we certainly have ahead of us is a challenging and complex season”, they conclude, “but we must never forget that the strength of the territory is our entrepreneurs who, with their work, protect the environment, preserve traditions, enhance great excellence and create employment “.

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