Italy 24 Press News

“The Via Micaelica from the Arch of Trajan to the Bolle della Malvizza”, the conference


A multimedia journey to discover the mysterious and legendary Via Micaelica, in its first stages from Benevento to Malvizza, along sheep tracks, Roman consular roads and thousand-year-old Francigena paths. An itinerant reconstruction of the sacred journey, as an all-encompassing experience, rite of passage and metaphor for life itself.
All this tomorrow, 14 June, from 4pm, in the Sala Vergineo of the Sannio Museum, at the conference entitled “The Via Micaelica from the Arch of Trajan to the Bolle della Malvizza”, organized by the Rotary Club of Benevento in collaboration with the Province of Benevento and other associations: Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem – Benevento Delegation, wwf sannio, CAI sec. of Benevento, ASD “La Dormiente”, ASD “Magà”, Well Wind.
They will discuss it: Raffaele Pilla, Pharmacist, Drone Pilot and Videomaker, Claudia Filangieri, Herbalist, Instructor and President of ASD Camminatori Sportivi Magà Benevento; Anna Rita Zagarese, ASD Director of Sports Walkers Magà Benevento; Cesare Mucci, scholar of Beneventan history; Nicola Matarazzo, President of ASD La Dormiente; Camillo Campolongo, President of WWF Sannio; Vilma Tarantino, Vice President of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) – Benevento Section; Bruno Iadaresta, “Il Veliero” Family Association, Naples; Francesco Santosuosso, Magistrate; Marcello Rotili, Scientific Representative of the Sannio Museum; the event will be moderated by Luigi Marino, Secretary of the Rotary Club of Benevento.
At the beginning greetings from Nino Lombardi, president of the Province; Francesco Boffa, president of the Rotary Club of Benevento; Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, Councilor for Culture, Municipality of Benevento; Riccardo Derna, coordinator of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem – Benevento Delegation.

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