Italy 24 Press News

Emilia Romagna. Schlein forces the times. Within two weeks the Democratic Party candidate


The centre-left candidate for the Regional elections will arrive by the summer, as anticipated by the Emilia-Romagna PD regional secretary, Luigi Tosiani, but also by Igor Taruffi, head of the Organization at the Nazarene. But to reach this goal the team in the former party could find itself much sooner, already in the next fifteen days. Quick time, but the rumor is circulating that already this weekend the foundations could be laid for a deeper discussion with the main protagonists of the match. Tomorrow the PD secretary Elly Schlein, in fact, will be a guest of the ‘Repubblica delle Idee’ in Bologna, and there are those who bet that there will be some ‘hot’ meetings in these days. Moreover, the Democratic Party – the first party in Emilia-Romagna with 36% – is the center of gravity of a hypothetical broad-minded coalition and, shortly, it is rumored that the 5 Stars will be probed. From here, to avoid hitches, the dem’s reasoning is to find within itself as soon as possible the right name on which, then, to build the ulivist ‘Program Factory’ of Prodian memory, relaunched by the mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore (from the Schlein area ).

The shortlist of eligible names was narrowed down to a two-way challenge between the mayor of Ravenna Michele de Pascale and the regional councilor for Labor Vincenzo Colla. Names, from what is repeated in dem circles, both esteemed and capable of “uniting” the various souls of the party. Estimate also renewed by mayor Lepore – yesterday at Patrizia Finucci Gallo’s Salotto Bolognese at the ‘Il Guercino’ hotel – but with some criticism of the ‘method’, claiming “the essential centrality of Bologna”, also given the 41.1% of the Democratic Party in the city.

The mayor raises doubts about the “method” of choosing the candidate: “The new Democratic Party cannot drop a name from above, otherwise it is like the old party. It cannot be said that everything has already been decided. Whether this candidate or the something else is on the table. Because then it would mean that I didn’t participate either in the name or in the program of ideas… and I would be a little worried.” For this reason the mayor encourages “participatory meetings and processes”, such as the Idea Factory, proceeding in parallel with the choice of the candidate “who can even arrive in July”. It is difficult to imagine a “third way” made in Bologna, but certainly Lepore, an early Schleinian, makes it known that the ‘model of the most progressive city in Italy’, as it is defined, cannot be ignored.

For the rest in the Democratic Party, if before the European and Municipal elections a clearer positioning of the Bonaccini area with de Pascale and the Schlein area with Colla seemed to emerge, today that the unitary inspiration is the new mantra of the big Democratic Party, the one that could being divisions today become ‘nuances’. De Pascale is very loyal to Bonaccini, so for the ‘Pres’ area he would be the preferred name, not to mention that the majority that supports him in Ravenna is very large, precisely on the model of the coalition on which the Democratic Party is working for Emilia -Romagna. In short, the post-voting purse seems to reward the mayor of Ravenna, with the Schlein area not appearing to hinder this hypothesis.

Colla, a councilor who is profitably managing the main disputes in the region and has the CGIL and a large portion of the industrial world on his side, still remains the other strong hypothesis. Everyone’s objective, net of distinctions and nuances, is to quickly converge on a unitary candidacy, sending the primaries to the attic.

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