Italy 24 Press News

Brescia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 14 June

The weather forecast in Brescia for Friday 14 June predict a day characterized by variable weather conditions. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover around 90%with temperatures that will remain around +16°C. During the morning, cloud cover will increase until 100% with the appearance of light rains and a temperature that will reach i +20°C.

In the afternoon, light rain will continue with a probability of around 30% and temperatures will remain around +21-22°C. Cloud cover will decrease slightly, settling around 30%. In the late afternoon and evening, weather conditions will tend to improve, with a decrease in cloud cover around 30-80% and temperatures that will drop to +17-18°C.

In general, the day will be characterized by light rain alternating with sunny spells, with pleasant temperatures and a light breeze coming from different directions. Humidity will be maintained around the 70-80% and the atmospheric pressure around the 1015-1018hPa.

As regards the forecast for the next few days in Brescia, an improvement in weather conditions is expected with an increase in temperatures and a decrease in cloud cover. However, it is advisable to monitor weather updates for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All the weather data for Friday 14 June in Brescia

Complete weather forecast for Brescia

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