Italy 24 Press News

Towards the runoff: Movimento 5 stelle and Civitavecchia Popolare align themselves with Piendibene

D’Antò, Lucernoni and Baffetti

“Civitavecchia is going through a difficult historical moment and, never before, would it have needed a strong and cohesive administration like ours, capable of guiding the city with a serious and detailed project. We worked hard, listening and studying deeply, to propose a vision that could really make a difference. Thousands of people have placed their trust in this project, but unfortunately not enough to allow us to take the helm of this wonderful city. Those who supported us did so because they believe in us, in our ideas and in our determination.

Out of respect for these citizens, we cannot give up now. We cannot accept that the city is handed over for another five years to those who have demonstrated that they are not up to the task, that they put personal interests above those of the community, that they have no qualms about exploiting the difficulties of families and the precariousness of workers to get a few more votes. We cannot leave the city in the hands of people like Grasso, who has always (just remember the ecoballe or biodigester affair), and even more so during the electoral campaign, demonstrated that he is unable to think about the common good, always putting the interests of starts and loses pieces in record time. At this critical moment, we believe it is our duty to make a further effort, putting aside what divides to look at what we have in common.

For this reason, in this phase of the ballot, we believe we must work to eliminate the differences that divide us from the center left and create a common front against this right which risks doing irreversible damage to our territory. We therefore make ourselves available, with our compact coalition, to a formal comparison based on points that can guide us in giving a perspective to Civitavecchia, in resolving the urgent critical issues that our city is experiencing and allow us to put in place training capable to gather the consensus necessary to win this ballot. We will not be able to protest or demonstrate against injustices in the future, knowing that we had the chance to avoid them and did not at least try. This would be truly inconsistent. Only in this way can we make a difference and build a better future for Civitavecchia right away. In five years it will be too late.” M5S, Civitavecchia Popolare and Lista D’Antò.

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