Italy 24 Press News

Soldier commits suicide in Turin, the union: “The minister should intervene”

The SUM report: “We are at the 27th suicide among the armed forces and police since the beginning of the year”

Published:12-06-2024 9.22pm

Last update:12-06-2024 9.26pm

“After crying the fellow officer who committed suicide in mid-Mayless than a month later another Army colleague belonging to the graduated category, he took his own life in a barracks in Turin. We have written and asked several times a speech by the Minister of Defense to increase the actions and attention of a discomfort that cannot be hidden. We are a long way from when the topic was discussed in the leaders’ committee a few years ago, but little has been done about the planned measures, with sensitivities having changed. We are tired of this nefarious accounting of death.” It is the message of condolence and denunciation launched by SUM. on yet another suicide of a soldier, a graduate, who leaves behind young children. “The Observatory for suicides in uniform – continues the single military union – reminds us that we are at the 27th suicide among the armed forces and police since the beginning of the year. We express our condolences to the family.”

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