Italy 24 Press News

PRESIDENT PISA, Aquilani will not continue with us: he wants to leave

Alberto Aquilani he was the other contender to Raffaele Palladino for the bench of the Florentine. In the end the former Monza player landed in Viola, but the Principino will still not continue his adventure at Pisa. The president of the Tuscans announced it directly, Giuseppe Corradoin an interview with 50 Canale: “Aquilani has informed us that he has no intention of continuing with the project – we read on We are finding a way to terminate a two-year contract. Aquilani will certainly not be the coach of next year. Stefanelli is a slightly different case and we are proud that Stefanelli had the opportunity to go to Juventus. He has proven to be a quality profile.”

Space, then, to think about the season just ended and the objectives of the next one: “We hadn’t foreseen this series of injuries. It was a particular year from an environmental point of view. We missed the fans for many matches, starting with the problems with the stands. The change of sporting director and coach will not upset our team objectives and our project. We want to create an important team and also help young people grow, focusing above all on a European basin”.

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