Italy 24 Press News

“A book and a coffee”, the cultural event in Aprilia on Sunday

On Sunday 23 June from 9 am until early afternoon, the first edition of “A book and a coffee” will be held at the Teo 1936 wine café in Via Carano 85 in Aprilia. The event organized by the cultural association Identità e Territorio focuses on non-conformist publishing. There will be a book stand where it will be possible to purchase texts, and at 11.00 there will be a presentation by Emanuele Campilongo, on the role and themes dear to this apparently small but rapidly growing publishing world.

There will be six publishing houses present, with a selection from their vast catalogue: Aga, Aspis, Ar, Passaggio al Bosco, Ritter and All’insegna del Veltro. We live in stormy, terrible but at the same time fascinating times. Times in which Ideas are scary and non-aligned thinking is criminalized. But fortunately there are still those who do not agree to conform to the single thought – courageous and tireless publishers – who with their work launch their own challenge to the world of globalism. An opportunity to get to know topics and authors closely that the so-called “official culture” tries in every way to hide from the general public.

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