Italy 24 Press News

Saint John. Carbini attacks Lucacci. Post elections with controversy

Arezzo, 12 June 2024 – It’s a frontal attack by the coordinator of the Civic Alliance for San Giovanni Francesco Carbini to the highest provincial representative of Fratelli d’Italia Arezzo Francesco Lucacci, accused of not having accepted the advice of the civic officials and of having wanted to present himself on his own, with decidedly modest results. “If the center-right had accepted our invitation to strip off the symbols and run a match in support of those who truly know this city, instead of pulling a fake candidate out of the hat, who didn’t even participate in one of the debates organized by the press, perhaps today we could compete for the leadership of the city”, thundered Carbini. “The result obtained by Lisa Vannelli in the first round not only consolidates but strengthens the strength of the Civic Lists in San Giovanni Valdarno – he added – Who knows if the secretary of FdI Arezzo Francesco Lucacci, who on the eve of the presentation of our lists, stated that we were “mercenaries”, supported by an association “lacking credibility and reliability in the political panorama”, what will he say today about his result, which clearly attests to the non-existence and inconsistency of his party in our city”.

“Perhaps if he had accepted the advice to entrust himself to those who have known the area for a long time, without venturing into trials of strength that were losers from the start, burning down any attempt to wrest San Giovanni from the Democratic Party, today we would be competing for the city”. “Cortona is the clear example of the strength of civicness – continued Carbini – A civicness which in our case has rewarded. And which today defeats those short-sighted secretaries who arrogantly fail to recognize the needs of the territory. On the part of the undersigned, the political, civic and social commitment to ensure that the city of Masaccio returns to being great and free from any patronage conditioning of any color”. In short, the controversy rages a few hours after the vote that confirmed Valentina Vadi’s victory in the first round. Controversy which then also moved to social media. The first municipal council of the new legislature should be held by the end of June. In 2019 it was organized in Piazza Masaccio in front of many Sangiovannesi. We’ll see if we opt for this solution this time too.

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