Italy 24 Press News

Cirio effect: in Piedmont it is worth 108 thousand votes more than the centre-right led by Meloni

In the hours in which the debate on the total number of councilors begins to rise, with “determined power relations”, the reconfirmed Alberto Cirio can smile when looking at the numbers. In Piedmont the President of the Region obtained 108 thousand votes more than the centre-right in the European elections (+6%). YouTrend’s analysis of data from the Ministry of the Interior summarizes the “Cirio effect” as follows: one million and 55 thousand votes for the president in the regional elections against 948 thousand for Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia at the European Championships where the leader, in the North West constituency, was Giorgia Meloni.

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Paolo Varetto

June 12, 2024

Cirio collects his surplus above all in his province, Cuneo, where it scored a plus with 21,877 votes (+8% over the centre-right in the European elections). The balance leans towards the governor in all the provinces: in Asti it is at +6% (57,695 votes against 51,867), in Alessandria and Vercelli it is at +5% (109,520 votes against 100,130 and 47,062 against 43,698), in Novara and Biella it is at +4% (97,473 votes against 91,141 and 50,977 against 47,466), in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola it is at +3% (41,422 votes against 39,105). Even in the province of Turin the president collected 55 thousand more preferences than the centre-right involved in the race for Strasbourg (+6%).

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June 12, 2024

The exploit hides important aspects regarding the capital. In Turin which remains red – and where the Democratic Party is the first party, surpassing Fratelli d’Italia by seven percentage points – and in a first belt in which the centre-left is growing everywhere – from Rivoli to Collegno, from Grugliasco to Nichelino passing through Settimo Torinese and Moncalieri – center-right voters choose the moderate Cirio on the regional right-right. And in YouTrend’s analyzes of the city of Turin, other curiosities are hidden: not only did 9% of the voters of the 5 Star Movement at the European elections vote for Cirio as regional president, but also the city’s Third Pole was split. 23% of the electorate of the United States of Europe also voted for the governor in the European elections, in the region allied with the center-left led by Gianna Pentenero. Just as, on the other hand, 33% of the Action electorate at the European elections voted for Pentenero as president, under the wing of Cirio.

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Paolo Varetto

June 12, 2024

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