Italy 24 Press News

Cultural heritage, restoration and conservation of heritage: 182 million available for Sicily

There are over thirty interventions financed with the 182 million euros from the Development and Cohesion Fund intended for the cultural heritage of Sicily. Numerous those aimed at the valorisation, conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage of the island, thanks to the agreement signed by the president of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani.

«This is a unique opportunity for the protection and promotion of Sicilian historical, artistic and cultural wealth, a heritage of inestimable value that deserves to be preserved. Furthermore, this funding – states the councilor for cultural heritage, Francesco Paolo Scarpinato – also represents an extraordinary opportunity for the relaunch of tourism and the local economy. We are ready to implement all the necessary measures to carry out these interventions and ensure that the benefits reach all communities on the island.”

The regional councilor for cultural heritage, Francesco Paolo Scarpinato

Among the main financings, starting from Palermo, 15 million euros were allocated for the restoration of the vault and the decorations of the Politeama Theatre; almost 3 million for the enhancement of the Decò itinerary in Palermo, with Casa Savona (900 thousand), and of Liberty through the architectural, decorative and exterior restoration of Villino Ida Basile (one million) and Villino Florio all’Olivuzza ( a million); and another million will be used to improve the use of the Royal Chinese Casino, with the associated restoration of the historic garden. In the province, 1.2 million has been allocated for the restoration of the decorations of the naves of the Cathedral of Monreale and 1.1 million for the restoration of the internal decorative systems and the external redevelopment of the Cathedral of Cefalù.

TO Catania, over 6 million will be invested in the redevelopment of Castello Ursino; 1.5 million for the restoration of the transept, the towers and the covering of the apses of the Cathedral; 5 million for the functional recovery of the second floor and the restoration of the façades of the former tobacco factory, home to the interdisciplinary museum.

TO Syracuse, 2.3 million will be used for the restoration of the towers of the Maniace Castle and 2.3 million for the consolidation and restoration of the Temple of Apollo. While, in the province of Ragusa, almost 5 million are destined for the redevelopment and functional enhancement of the Kamarina archaeological park and more than one million for the museum display of the “Wreck of the Columns”; finally, 8 million will go to the redevelopment and arrangement of the paths of the rocky district of Chiafura in Scicli.

TO Ennaover 7 million for the recovery, valorisation and completion of the fortress of Gagliano Castelferrato and 6.4 million in Piazza Armerina for the completion of the restoration, as well as for structural interventions and new roofs of the Villa Romana del Casale.

More than 16 million a Messina for the refunctionalization works of the Citadel of Culture, the former Regina Margherita hospital complex. And again, in the province, 6 million in Lipari for the museum display of the Capistello wreck; around 800 thousand in Motta d’Affermo for the restoration of the church of San Pietro; 1 million to San Marco d’Alunzio for the extraordinary maintenance and restoration of the church of Maria SS. Aracoeli.

TO Caltanissetta, 2 million for the protection and enhancement of the Timoleonte Walls and archaic structures, as well as for the completion of the routes and the connection with the sea; almost 4 million for the redevelopment of the Manfredonico castle in Mussomeli.

To Agrigento, just over 6 million for the reorganization of the Pietro Griffo museum; 4 million for the conservative restoration and structural improvement of the monumental complex of Santo Spirito.

For the province of Trapanifinally, 1.5 million will be used for the extraordinary maintenance of the marina and the arrangement of the external areas of the Tonnara di Favignana, former Florio factory; 3 million for the construction of a series of works including a visitor center with parking adjacent to the Cretto di Burri in Gibellina; 1.4 million for the extraordinary maintenance of the Arab-Norman castle of Castellammare del Golfo.

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