Italy 24 Press News

The analysis of the vote of the PD of Crotone: “The overall data gratifies us and encourages us to continue towards the municipal elections with conviction”

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The Democratic Party in the city of Crotone, also standing out in the regional panorama, reaches 17.04% in the European elections with approximately 6 percentage points more than in the 2022 elections which saw us at 10.39% in the Chamber and 11.94% in the Senate.
We are still far from the national result (24%) and from that obtained in the southern constituency where the PD is the leading party, but the overall figure gratifies us and encourages us to continue the complex work started almost two years ago. A work of rapprochement with our voters, with our supporters, with every single person who confirmed trust in the PD last 8 and 9 June, in a generalized context of discouragement and distancing from politics witnessed by the worrying data of abstentionism. Precisely in light of this fact, we thank even more deeply those who have placed their trust in us.
A figure, that of the PD in the city, which must also be compared with those who come before and after in the voters’ preferences.
The M5s maintains in Crotone (26.63%), unlike what happens at a national level, even surpassing Prime Minister Meloni’s party (19.77). This demonstrates that the growth of the PD derives from having maintained and brought back to the left part of those Crotone residents who in the past had entrusted themselves to Mayor Voce who, by supporting Princi, has now definitively completed the transition from Piazza dei Marinai to Forza Italia which , despite the efforts of important pieces of the
party, mayor, councilors and majority councillors, stops at 14.59%.
By working with consistency and credibility on the issues of rights and services to citizens, thanks also to the efforts of many young militants and old comrades, we have managed to erect a bulwark against the indifference of the centre-right which manifests an objective difficulty when it tries to work on quantity and personalism rather than quality and political proposals.
Strengthened by this result and by a greater representation at a European level, from today we continue with even more conviction, aiming for the municipal ones: only by working on the city can we really ensure that a citizen of Crotone can feel like a European citizen, starting from the enjoyment of the rights and quality of life.

Democratic Party Circle of Crotone

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