Italy 24 Press News

ROSSITTO TO RFV, I would take Lucca immediately. Samardzic ok

Fabio Rossitoformer midfielder of Fiorentina and Udinese, spoke to Radio FirenzeViola during “Chi si Compra” to comment on the transfer dynamics at Viola, which has recently been linked to the name of Juventus player Lorenzo Lucca: “In my opinion, Lucca can surprise, He has quality, he’s structured, he has legs. He can boast significant room for improvement, I would aim for him. He could be the striker capable of surprising.”

Do you see any similarities between Lucca and Djuric, who Palladino coached at Monza?
“Maybe. I often spoke with Zaccheroni about Lucca: he has always been impressed by his leg, in the sense that he doesn’t stand still and gives more solutions. I would take it right away.”

Speaking of Udinese: what season did Samardzic have? Would he take it?
“He has quality and quantity. It’s nice to look at, he has some interesting ideas. This year, however, he has shown that he hasn’t raised the bar, on the contrary, he had a normal season compared to what he could. He must demonstrate that he is more continuous, Florence It’s a team that gives you certain stimuli and therefore he would be suitable for Fiorentina.”

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