Italy 24 Press News

OFFICIAL A1 – La Molisana Campobasso: Que Morrison confirmed

Another key element of the last season. A player who, in the first phase, was able to make herself appreciated for her defensive skills and who, in the post-season, also showed considerable scoring qualities. The Molisana Magnolia Campobasso embraces the line of continuity on the non-EU front and keeps the American winger on staff – also for the 2024/25 season Que Morrison.

HAPPY TO COME BACK This is a confirmation that makes the rossoblù player particularly happy. «I’m really excited – she explains by telephone from the States – to return to Campobasso. I love the city and Molise. The teammates are fantastic and I feel really at ease also because the fans make you feel truly welcomed all the way. It will be my third consecutive season in Italy and this will certainly allow me to be increasingly involved in the A1 tournament.”

MAGIC PLAYOFF In particular, Que herself is very clear about how her playoffs were a lever of undoubted weight in her favor. «In the post-season the difficulties and value of the disputes increase, not that they were previously less relevant. I tried, as I had done in the regular season, to give the best of myself and my contribution also emerged in attack, always for the good of the team and with the desire to make history for this club.”

STRONG TEAM To give even more substance to his beliefs, in Morrison’s words, there are also the various confirmations from last season’s group which could represent a solid foundation for the team to come. «Being in several people who know each other is an advantage – he acknowledges – because it makes the situations of path recognition clearer and can alleviate the difficulties. I’m happy to be able to play with players that I respect and with whom I have an incredible relationship and it will also be wonderful to meet my new teammates.”

SQUAD AND INDIVIDUAL GOALS Projecting instead on the objectives for what will be in 2024/25, Morrison is very clear. «As a team we will try to do better than what we did in the last tournament, personally, however, my goal will be to maintain the performance standard of the playoffs, having the right confidence in both attack and defense».

FOCUS ON DEFENSE Speaking of this last aspect, the American winger highlights how both with my coach in high school and with my coach in university, a lot of work was focused on energy and the way of being on defense. This was an aspect that entered me so strongly that it became one of my characteristics and placed it at the center of my mentality and of being on the parquet.”

MAJOR BENEFIT Skills that, once again, Morrison is ready to put on the court in favor of the rossoblù cause. «I try – she reflects – to do the best of what is asked of me by my coaches to ensure that the team can win the match. I believe it is unique to be able to do what is asked of you because this represents an authentic sense of responsibility.”

WONDERFUL FANBASE Morrison reserves one last thought for the rossoblù supporters: «They are simply unique and wonderful, I love them. They welcomed me with open arms, they always knew how to keep my spirit up even in somewhat up-and-down moments and there is a lot of them in their desire to still be part of the rossoblù group. For the moment I can only thank them and make a very clear feeling emerge: I can’t wait to see them again.”

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