Italy 24 Press News

Terni: Aniello relaunches and brings the controversy to the environmental issue. «Complaints have already been filed»

12 Jun 2024 1.09pm

Mascia Aniello, the former environmental councilor of the Municipality of Terni, does not give up she resigned in open controversy with her former council colleague Sergio Cardinali, owner of economic development, accused by the same of having verbally attacked her on at least two occasions. After what Mayor Bandecchi saidthe position taken by the council in support of CardinaliThe new attack from Aniello And the reply of the person concerned, the former councilor returns to the issue and announces that she has filed complaints with the judicial authorities, underlining how the problem is also of a political nature and linked to the substantial differences in attitude between her and the executive of Palazzo Spada, towards the steelworks Arvedi-Ast of Terni. Below is the note released by Mascia Aniello on Wednesday morning.

«I read the words of the councilor for economic development of Terni, in a mixture of hilarity and sorrow – states Aniello -. On the known facts, seeking cover from the absent mayor is already tragicomic in itself, as is observing the sidereal distances between private interactions and the public statements of former colleagues. I repeat: I was attacked as a woman, in a vulgar attempt to break my intransigence, aimed at demanding respect for the rules.”

«But, in addition to fearing legal action against the undersigned to try to diminish the violent tones, ferocious screams, slammed doors, fists on the table – continues the former councilor -, I would first ask myself whether, as a public official, the interested party represented the he procures the state of the aquifers, repeatedly described to him and to the entire council, with hexavalent chromium and nickel still above the alarm threshold, in addition to the rest, including fumes, dust and out-of-control discharges. In fact, the only possible ‘balance between work, employment and the environment’, in a liberal democracy, hinges only on respect for the law, imposed on everyone, starting from those productive entities that have great social responsibilities.”

«Cardinali – explains Mascia Aniello – had also spoken to the council about a ‘personal commitment with Ast’, only to immediately correct himself, turning the question on an administrative level: well, I certainly consider a ‘friend’ of Ast whoever takes on ‘personal commitments’, an expression very unfortunate for a public administrator. But it wasn’t the first. In fact, the councilor added that ‘there is a vexatious attitude’ towards them. Curious. But, in different, equally verifiable circumstances, he had even managed to say worse, suggesting to me, unsolicited: ‘We must not make them feel controlled.’ Can a public official speak like this? As for the contamination of the groundwater, for the councilor ‘it is also the fault of urban waste’, thus carrying forward a partial and distorted vulgate, certainly not unwelcome in Ast”.

«On the related matter of the giant landfill – continues the former environmental councilor -, an asset with a value of billions given carelessly to the octogenarian squire from Cremona on the skin of the city, here it is: it would have been good for Cardinali, before carrying out downward negotiations, for the sole benefit of the company, had read at least both the electoral program and the Single Municipal Planning Document which is, par excellence, the planning act of Palazzo Spada. But unfortunately in Italy little is read. In Terni even less. So the councilor did not want to take into account the fact that, after 140 years, the steelworker on duty was asked to look for landfill sites outside the Conca. Cardinali instead imposed a non-solution on the council and the city, in the name of the ongoing environmental disaster, of which he evidently has no awareness at all.”

«This has been done – observes Mascia Aniello – an enormous political-financial favor to a company which, vice versa, should compensate billions of damages caused to Terni, from the waste buried everywhere, to the urban planning and social mutilations of the war, up to the air , water, soil and poisoned foods. Instead, even the infinite arrangement of the microscopic Rosselli park is the responsibility of public finances, let alone the rest. Today Terni no longer has a guarantor on the front of environmental and health legality, because, with these premises, with this ignorance of the problems, with this sloppiness, Viale Brin will always be the one doing the good and bad weather, in the midst of a decidedly suited to their interests. No open dispute about outlawed heavy metals, but not even a vibrant protest to gather the now Manzonian cries of workers who had turned to me, having so far been unheard even by some of the union representatives.”

«As for the rest of the mystifications and amnesias, the documents speak clearly: as is known, the undersigned voted no to the resolution approving this memorandum of understanding, having been strangely emptied of any serious technical prescription, a catastrophic act on an environmental level, health and financial. The agreement reached is still considered very serious and full of shadows, from its genesis to its definition, to its eventual execution; I consider the conduct of other subjects already reported to be equally anomalous, requiring necessary further investigation in ordinary judicial and accounting proceedings. I have already presented very detailed complaints, in various prosecutors’ offices, given the unacceptable forcing and the serious crimes committed so far: the undersigned was in fact only there to rigorously defend public interests and to reject undue and mutual interference between the steel industry and public administration. Now it will be the magistrates who will verify who has done their job correctly and who has not.”

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