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hunt for the Serie A star

The Azzurri have their sights set on a jewel of the Italian championship: a transfer challenge with Claudio Lotito.

Transfer market days for Naples which is approaching the new season. The Neapolitans are working on re-establishing the squad, an aspect of primary importance following the terrible performance of last year. Furthermore, it will be essential to adapt the formation to the tactical needs of Antonio Conte who should deploy the 3-4-3 during the adventure on the slopes of Vesuvius. The profiles paid attention to by the management on the market are numerous, among the departments taken into consideration there is undoubtedly the midfield.

Be careful, because there is an absolute talent from Serie A who could be right for Napoli: he is open challenge with Lotito’s Lazio, the two clubs compete for the jewel of Empoli Jacopo Fazzini.

Napoli on Fazzini, transfer challenge with Lazio

The Napoli is interested in Jacopo Fazzini, midfielder born in 2003 owned by Empoli. This is reported in today’s edition of Tuttosport which explains how talented he is Lazio is also strong. Once the transfer duel between the two clubs has begun, the will of the player and the offers presented by Aurelio De Laurentiis and Claudio Lotito will make the difference. The Azzurri, for their part, will try to take advantage of the excellent relations between Empoli president Fabrizio Corsi and the Neapolitan patron. In the past, the two have been responsible for numerous market deals, including the latest regarding Elia Caprile’s loan.

Naples, transfer duel with Lazio for Fazzini (on the right) – (LaPresse)

The new coup could sanction Fazzini’s arrival at Napoli: the characteristics of the young midfielder would be suitable for Conte’s proposed game. In particular, the great substance and quality offered by the Tuscan talent could represent an important resource for the Lecce coach. The market value is around 6 million euros, it would therefore be a low cost operation that would allow the Neapolitans to lay the foundations for realizing a significant capital gain. Fazzini, in fact, is looking for continuity to increase his experience in the Italian championship and his skills could improve significantly.

In this sense, Napoli could offer fewer guarantees than Claudio Lotito’s Lazio but developments in the matter are awaited. The names present in Giovanni Manna’s notebook lead to different paths for the midfield, but all the players have in common a young age as well as similar characteristics. In fact, the list includes Javi Guerra and Khéphren Thuram as well as the goal Jacopo Fazzini, also requested by the Biancocelesti.

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