Italy 24 Press News

death threats to a man, 3 arrests

The Carabinieri of the Company of Patti have executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure, issued by GIP of the Court Of Messinaat the compliant request of Power of attorney from the Republictowards three peopleof which two recipients of custody in prison and one under house arrest with an electronic bracelet in relation to the crime committed, in collaboration with each other, of attempted extortion aggravated by the mafia method, proceeding at the same time with the notification of the information of guarantee against another person involved in the matter.

The facts

The operation is the result of the results of an investigation coordinated by DDA from the Power of attorney Of Messina and conducted by Carabinieri from the Company Of Patti. The investigation was started in May 2023, immediately after the presentation of a complaint at the Brolo Carabinieri Station by a man from the area, who declared that he had been threatened by his former employers, father and son. , if he had not proceeded to withdraw the accusations made in a civil case that he had brought before the Labor Court against them. In fact, in 2022, the complainant had started a dispute for the recovery of the contributions due from the employment relationship, which was never regularised, worked for several years at the company attributable to the two suspects.

Serious threats

The serious threatsrepeated over time, would also have been aggravated by the intervention of a third suspectalready definitively convicted for the crime of Association Of mafia type And aggravated robbery with mafia purposes, who, making use of his criminal capacity, would have approached the victim, further intimidating her to force her to withdraw the employment dispute, avoiding further damage. This circumstance would have caused the victim to have a serious fear for her safety, taking into account that the person who had intimidated him had been involved in several legal matters as a member of the Barcelona mafia family. The investigations, developed, in addition to documenting the continuous harassment, with death threats, addressed to the former employee, also made it possible to ascertain that the suspects would also have had in mind the possibility of resorting to the use of weapons, if the victim had not given up on his legal action.

A fourth man has been identified

The continuation of the investigative activities also made it possible to identify a fourth subjectindicated in the case before the Judge of the Work as a witness of the suspects, who would have pretextually approached the victim, attempting to discourage him from continuing his legal action. Indeed, the suspects would also have exerted pressure on a witness of the offended person, with the intention of influencing his testimony in the hearings in the civil case. Once the formalities were completed, two suspects were placed in prison, while the third was subjected to house arrest at the house indicated by him, with the application of the electronic bracelet, available to the Judicial Authority.

The above, for the purposes of the exercise of the right to freedom of the press, constitutionally guaranteed and in compliance with the rights of the suspects, who, in consideration of the current phase of the preliminary investigations, are to be presumed innocent until the irrevocable sentence which ascertains their responsibilities and with the clarification that the trial, which will take place in cross-examination with the parties and the defenses before a third and impartial judge, may also conclude with proof of the absence of any form of responsibility on the part of the suspects themselves.

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