Italy 24 Press News

Gramellini’s Café | The policeman’s lie

Once the surprise has passed, the agent understands that he must find a way to earn time and divert his former teacher from dark thoughts. THE memories of school are not enough. We need something that goes beyond that nostalgia and project towards the future. A lie. It occurs to him that the teacher is also a lawyer. So he tells her that he came to see her because she needs a legal opinion and the only one of which yes trust me and she.

His eyes fixed on the peephole behind which he knows there is gaze of the woman to be saved, Alessandro tells her one history. Or rather, give it to him returns: who knows how many she may have told, during her school days.

Meanwhile the firefighters break through one window, enter the apartment, open the door from inside. The policeman and the teacher are in front of each other now, and yes they hug in silence.

We may never know if she has believed to the lie of his former student or if he just pretended, but in the end it’s not like that important.

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