Italy 24 Press News

Genoa: massacred in the house with a billhook, the dog killed. When his daughter’s ex was stopped, he confessed

Genoa, 11 June 2024 – Aaggression for the purpose of robbery, it was initially thought. Then the investigation into couple massacred with billhook Celesia he immediately took the familiar path. In a few hours the turning point: stopped the ex of the couple’s daughterwho struggle between life and death. Andrea Bandini, 25 years old, confessed.

Spouses injured, daughter’s ex-boyfriend arrested

Angelo Imporzani62 years old, and Karin Dupres, 64, are alive but in serious condition after the ambush, hospitalized in intensive care at San Martino. They were hit with a billhook on the night between 9 and 10 June in their home in Celesiain the municipality of San Colombano in Certenoliin the province of Genoa. The one who hit them was their daughter Giulia’s ex, who he also killed the dog, then running away in the family car.

Modena, kills his wife and goes to the police with the body in the car

There machine was found in a wood not far from the house, a few hours later. Inside there was billhook.

It was one who raised the alarm close who around 10pm on Sunday heard the woman’s screams and then called i carabinieri. The soldiers entered the house and found Imporzani and Dupres injured, the dog killed, alarming the emergency services. At first the hypothesis was made of robbery, an attempted theft that ended in blood. But in fact, just “an attempt”. In fact, nothing was missing from the house, apart from the car. A circumstance that immediately directed the investigators towards another lead.

The police listened to the testimonials of the children of the couple, Giulia who lives with her parents and David, who lives far away. Hence probably the suspicions towards the ex of the young woman. The military tracked him down today in a shelter in Santo Stefano d’Avetowith a blitz they entered and blocked it.

The man was questioned at the prosecutor’s office and was subsequently taken to prison in Marassi. He confessed. He didn’t resign himself to it End of Relationship with the girl, which lasted 5 years. The intolerance had grown since she had started dating again. He told her it would hurt, he had written it to him over and over again that if she didn’t get back with him she would make him pay by hurting the people closest to her. And she finally did.

Everything is prepared in detail. On Friday Andrea leaves the house where he rents in Chiavari and disconnects his cell phone and thus makes himself untraceable. Then, probably on Saturday, she sneaks in an uninhabited house a few meters from the house of his ex-girlfriend’s parents, probably to check on her routine. There on Sunday evening, shortly after 9pm, he climbs along the external wall of the house until reaching the terrace of the house where Karin Dupres, Giulia’s mother, was about to close the shutters.

Andrea is armed with a billhook: he hits the woman several times in the face and head. She screams as Andrea enters the bedroom where to find the dog. He cuts his throatThen hits the husband of the woman who comes out of the bathroom, hitting him over and over with the billhook. Once the slaughter is over, Andrea steals the keys to the Imporzanos’ two cars, a T-Roc and a Fiat 500. He goes down to the garage, is unable to start the T-Roc and therefore he gets into the 500 and runs away at full speed. After a few bends he leaves the road and runs away on foot into the woods. He doesn’t know that his victim’s screams have alerted him the neighbors who call the police. Then someone sees him and reports him to the military who are looking for him. Andrea runs, runs for two hours and finally reaches a refuge in S. Stefano d’Aveto. But the carabinieri, who found the 500 in the woods on which the billhook is still stained with blood, hunt him down and finally find him: they surround the shelter, enter and block it.

Taken to the barracks, the 25-year-old can’t stand it and confesses. Federica Paiola will do the same thing later in front of the prosecutor. For him, the contested accusation is double attempted murder, continued and aggravated from cruelty and killing of animals. Meanwhile, Giulia’s father and mother, both hospitalized with a reserved prognosis at the San Martino polyclinic in Genoa, are struggling between life and death.

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