Italy 24 Press News

Municipal elections in Prato, Claudio Belgiorno is the king of Il Tirreno preferences

LAWN. The king of preferences, on the day of the centre-left’s triumph, is on the right. Claudio Belgiorno, outgoing councilor of the Brothers of Italy, has garnered an impressive 1,872 votes, but not much will be achieved. Perhaps he already aspired to a councilorship in the event of a victory for Gianni Cenni, but he will have to settle for another five years of opposition, with the prospect at most of being elected vice president of the city council, taking the place of Claudiu Stanasel. Even the up-and-coming League councilor who came under the spotlight in the election campaign for that slogan “I am from Prato” wins the internal battle of preferences in his party, overtaking Umberto Presutti Gallinella, the candidate supported by the neo-fascists of Etruria 14, and the former candidate for mayor Daniele Spada, perhaps the most excellent excluded of this round. Stanasel’s preferences, 212, are not many for a candidate who boasts over 67,000 followers on his Facebook page, but in his case they are affected by the very negative result obtained by the League, which does not even reach 3%

Returning to Fratelli d’Italia, Tommaso Cocci (811) and Cosimo Zecchi (415) also received a lot of support, names that we have come to know from having seen them on the many flyers and posters in these last two months of the electoral campaign.

In the Forza Italia list Rita Pieri (468) narrowly wins the derby with another excellent exclusion in Aldo Milone, stuck at 424, while in the civic list supporting Gianni Cenni the outgoing councilor Leonardo Soldi (248) comes out ahead of Rossella Risaliti (327) and to the former municipal manager Lorenzo Frasconi (1649, who returned to the Municipality as a politician.

But attention was concentrated above all on the list of the Democratic Party, from which a large portion of the new councilors emerge. Here the former councilor Benedetta Squittieri (1,203) surpasses the leaders Maria Logli (1,134) and the outgoing councilor Marco Sapia.

After a consultation with two councilors of Chinese origin, Marco Wong and Teresa Lin, this time Wong himself and Yang Xiaping remain outside. Yvone Lemman, the hope of the Sinti of San Giorgio a Colonica, who stops at 110 votes, also remains out, and Muhammad Umar Iqbal (264), the hope of another minority, that of the Pakistanis, also remains out, despite having managed to gather 264 preferences, 14 less than Sandra Mugnaioni. Basically, candidates of foreign origin in this round are left out, with the exception of Stanasel.

Here are the 32 elected to the council: an unofficial list awaiting verification.

For the Democratic Party, Maria Logli, Gabriele Alberti, Derio Bacci, Francesco Bellandi, Martina Cacciato, Edoardo Carli, Gianluca Coppini, Francesca Faggi, Aksel Fazio, Martina Guerrini, Simone Mangani, Matilde Rosati, Marco Sapia, Benedetta Squittieri and Lorenzo Tinagli enter. Lorenzo Chiani enters for Sinistra Unita. Chiara Bartalini enters for the M5S. For La Forza del noi Rosanna Sciumbata and Sandra Mugnaioni. For This is Prato Enrico Romei. For Forza Italia Rita Pieri; for Gianni Cenni Mayor Leonardo Soldi, Lorenzo Frasconi, Fabio Piccioli and Rossella Risaliti; for the League Claudiu Stanasel; for Fratelli d’Italia Claudio Belgiorno, Eleonora Cioni, Tommaso Cocci, Rocco Rizzo and Cosimo Zecchi.

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