Italy 24 Press News

three arrests and two hectograms of drugs seized

Three people arrested in a few days for possession and dealing of drugs by the police of the Anzio company. In a first intervention, the mobile radio unit intervened in a house in Via di Valle Schioia due to a family dispute, reported via 112. On site the soldiers found the family members who reported having had a serious argument with the 40 year old son, living together. Before finishing the intervention, the soldiers perceived a strong odor attributable to a narcotic substance coming from the son’s bedroom. A circumstance that pushed them to carry out a local search, which allowed them to find and seize approximately 50 grams of cocaine and the same number of hashish. The man was arrested and held in the security rooms of the Anzio station awaiting direct judgement, at the end of which the arrest was validated and the precautionary measure of house arrest was ordered.

In a second episode, an operational patrol in civilian clothes arrested a 55-year-old originally from Liberia, domiciled in the Zodiaco neighborhood. The man, known to the military due to his criminal record, was found in possession of approximately 30 grams of heroin, divided into three ovules.

Finally, last night, a mobile radio patrol, during a road traffic check, stopped a 35-year-old Italian driving his SUV, who appeared particularly agitated during the check. For this reason the military decided to carry out a search of both the vehicle and the home, discovering a total of almost 40 grams of hashish and a dose of cocaine. At the end of the direct trial, the man was subjected to the obligation to report to the judicial police.

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