Italy 24 Press News

Irene Pivetti, Milan prosecutors are asking for four years for tax evasion. «He goes to trial in Busto Arsizio for the masks»

The Milan prosecutor Giovanni Tarzia asked for a 4-year prison sentence for the former president of the Chamber Irene Pivetti, on trial, before the fourth criminal charge, for tax evasion and self-laundering for a series of commercial operations in 2016 worth approximately 10 million euros, in particular the sale of three Ferrari Granturismos which, according to the prosecution, would have been used to launder proceeds resulting from tax crimes. The Prosecutor’s Office also requested three other sentences for as many defendants, including a 3-year sentence for the rally driver and former Gran Turismo champion Leonardo «Leo» Isolani.

And meanwhile on Tuesday the public prosecutor of Busto Arsizio (Varese) Ciro Caramore requested the indictment for the former president of the Chamber (not present in the courtroom) and for all the others involved in the «mask case». The hearing was held in Busto in front of the Gup Anna Giorgetti. Pivetti is accused in various capacities, together with her daughter, her son-in-law, the entrepreneur Luciano Mega and other subjects of fraud in public supplies, bankruptcy, embezzlement, money laundering and self-laundering in the context of a purchase and sale of masks from China for a total value of 35 million euros arrived at Malpensa during the Covid emergency. According to the accusation, personal protective equipment worth only 10 million was delivered, of poor quality, practically unusable and with a false CE mark. The prosecutor asked for a trial, the defense said there was no place to proceed. None of the defendants asked to be admitted to alternative rites. The Judge’s decision for the Preliminary Hearing is expected next Friday.

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