Italy 24 Press News

European elections, the Democratic Party grows in Reggio Emila: defeat of Lega and M5S

REGGIO EMILIA – Clear victory of the Democratic Party, as regards the European elections, in our province which collected 95,853 votes equal to 39.98% of the preferences. The Democratic Party grows by more than 5 points compared to the European elections five years ago when it took 34.78%. The growth, in terms of votes, is around 2 thousand units.

Fdi’s statement is noteworthy, reaching 23.93% with 57,374 votes. A leap of over 20 percentage points, considering that five years ago it was 3.90% and 47 thousand more voters, given that in 2019 the votes were 10,467.

Thud of the M5S which went from 14.33% to 8.18%, losing almost 20 thousand votes. The result of the Greens and Left Alliance was good, bringing home 15,476 votes, obtaining 6.45%. It is difficult to make a comparison with five years ago when this coalition did not exist, but we can add the votes of Green Europe 7,735 with 2.88% and of La Sinistra 6,020 with 2.24%. In this way, there is a growth of 1.5 percentage points and approximately 2 thousand votes.

The League also collapsed, going from 29.88% with 80,221 votes five years ago to 14,460 votes today which are worth 6.03%. A loss of around 65 thousand votes in five years. It can essentially be said that, here too, as in other parts of northern Italy, the FDI has cannibalized the Carroccio. Forza Italia was stable, obtaining 13,909 votes in 5 years with 5.18% and today it obtained 14,256 votes worth 5.95%.

It is difficult to make a comparison for the other political forces, because they were not present five years ago.

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