Italy 24 Press News

Bari, the results of the 2024 elections live: Decaro elected

An overwhelming success achieved by Antonio Decaro in the European elections. The mayor of Bari clearly surpassed Giorgia Meloni in the votes collected and led both the Democratic Party (the first party in Puglia) and his right-hand man Vito Leccese who the exit pools place at 45% and in the run-off with Fabio Romito

Key points
  • 02:27

    In Bari, the European turnout exceeds that of the municipal ones

  • 01:56

    Decaro at the PD headquarters: “A great result that charges me with responsibility”


De Santis: “Historic day, silent work pays off”

“It is a historic day, an exceptional result, a day that repays the effort and silent work of building the party – says the secretary of the Puglia Democratic Party, Domenico De Santis – The result of the polls repays the attacks received to which we have always responded with the smile. Satisfaction also for the sixth and seventh places of Georgia Tramacere and Shady Alizadeh”.


Emiliano: “Decaro has reunified the South and the Democratic Party into a respected and loved political force”

“Tonight, while the results of Antonio Decaro and the Democratic Party were arriving from polling stations throughout the South, a dream that had been pursued for years came true. Antonio has reunified the South and the Democratic Party into a serious, cohesive, respected and loved political force. Now everything changes for restore dignity to the South”, is the comment of the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano. “The Democratic Party has never been the leading political force in the region despite many administrative victories. Now Puglia, also thanks to a splendid civic community, will have more voice and greater respect”.


Decaro: “I will continue to be mayor but of a larger community. I’ll take you with me.”

“Thank you. Faced with a result like this it is difficult to find the right words.” Antonio Decaro, mayor of Bari and outgoing president of the ANCI, writes this on his Facebook page. “From the small villages and the big cities, from the young and the elderly, from the mayors, from the city councilors, from all the administrators, from the lifelong supporters and from those who have only met me in these last months. I carry you all in my heart. I will continue to to be ‘the mayor’ that you have known and that you have chosen, only of a larger community. We have a lot of work to do in Europe for the South but we are not afraid, because the mayors know that from the day after the elections we begin to work so as not to. betray the trust of those who voted for you. I will take you with me, the first citizens of Europe”


In Puglia 21 thousand 153 votes for General Vannacci

There are 21,153 votes collected by Roberto Vannacci in Puglia. Almost two thousand in Bari. However, the most supported of the League (6.19%) in the region is Roberto Marti with 31,150 votes


In the province of Bari the Democratic Party reaches 45.66%

In the province of Bari, at the end of the counting for the European elections, the Democratic Party is the first party with 45.66% and 216,594 votes, driven by the candidacy of Antonio Decaro, outgoing mayor of Bari after two terms. Following is Fratelli d’Italia, with 23.62% and 112,046 votes. In third place, in the Bari area, the M5S with 10.43% and 49,495 votes. Followed by Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-EPP with 6.12%, Lega with 4.24% and Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra with 3.12%


Who are the Apulian elected representatives of Fratelli d’Italia

Brothers of Italy will go to Brussels with Francesco Ventola (he won 88 thousand preferences, despite the scandal that saw him as protagonist a few weeks before the vote, when the news of the investigation into electoral corruption came out), the regional councilor Michele Picaro and Maria Chiara Gemma, pedagogist from Salento already elected in Strasbourg with the 5 Star Movement


Lopalco: “The post-pandemic effect has weighed on the growth of the populist right in Europe”

There is also “the post-pandemic effect weighing on the results of the European elections”, which saw a growth of the right. Pier Luigi Lopalco, professor of Epidemiology at the University of Salento, is convinced of this. “The populist parties of the European right have ridden the tiger of antiscience, from the denial of climate change to criticism of the management of the pandemic. The same phenomenon happened exactly a century ago”


Sisto: “A good recovery of Forza d’Italia also in the South despite the exploits of the Democratic Party”

Forza Italia obtains 7.79 percent in Puglia. Deputy Minister Francesco Paolo Sisto commented to Mattino Norba: “My opinion is positive, we have held up well in Italy and the South despite the exploits of the Democratic Party and Antonio Decaro. A good recovery for the party in Italy and the South”


In Puglia the Democratic Party is the first party, ahead of the FdI: the definitive figure

In Puglia the Democratic Party is the leading party with 33.57 percent, once the counting has been completed. The Brothers of Italy are second with 26.95 percent, the 5 Star Movement is third with 14.11 percent. Followed by Forza Italia-Noi Moderati with 7.79 percent, Lega with 6.19 percent and Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra with 3.83 percent


Pd at 34%, Decaro leads Meloni

When we reached around 3 thousand polls out of 4 thousand, the Democratic Party strengthened its advantage in Puglia over Fratell’Italia with 34%, Fratelli d’Italia is second with 26%, Antonio Decaro is the most voted MEP and also surpasses the Prime Minister Meloni


In Bari, the European turnout exceeds that of the municipal ones

The definitive official turnout (at 11pm yesterday 10 June) in Bari city for the municipal elections was 58.73% (60.07% for the European elections).


Boccia: “PD is the first party in Puglia, it has never happened”

The leader of the PD group in the Senate, Francesco Boccia: “It has never happened that the PD was the first party in Puglia, this is certainly thanks to Antonio Decaro and the entire democratic team who worked for this result despite the difficulties.”


Decaro at the PD headquarters: “A great result that charges me with responsibility”

Decaro arrives at the PD headquarters in via Re David welcomed by the embrace of the supporters: “A great result that charges me with responsibility”


Decaro rejoices with his team: “An avalanche of votes”

Great satisfaction at the PD headquarters in Puglia where Antonio Decaro commented on the first results that are arriving: “An avalanche of votes” with the Democrats projected towards 50% in the city of Bari


In the province of Brindisi the Democratic Party is the leading party

In the province of Brindisi, out of 9,840 valid votes, the Democratic Party is the first party with 26.08%. Fratelli d’Italia follows with 25.89%. The 5Star Movement is at 21.32%, the League at 7.59


Lacarra: “There is hope of winning in the first round”

Marco Lacarra, former regional secretary and PD parliamentarian, commented on the result of the vote live on TeleNorba: “Antonio Decaro was an extraordinary leader. As far as Leccese is concerned, the results are excellent and I think we can also hope to win in the first round.”


First data: Decaro in the lead over Meloni at the European Championships

The first data on the presences expressed towards Antonio Decaro in the Bari area are starting to emerge bit by bit. In all cases, in the sections monitored from Bitonto to Capurso, from the Poggiofranco district to Altamura, the mayor of Bari, candidate for the European elections, has a clear advantage over Giorgia Meloni

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