final push by De Laurentiis himself with Cairo

final push by De Laurentiis himself with Cairo
final push by De Laurentiis himself with Cairo

Napoli’s final push to buy Alessandro Buongiorno. The negotiations between Naples and Turin have entered the heart of the matter, as reported in today’s edition of Allsports which basically heralds a blitz by President De Laurentiis who will try to wrest the yes from his colleague Cairo who currently does not have much room for maneuver since on the table, of real and concrete offers, he only has the blue one. No auction has been unleashed as he had hoped at the beginning of the European Championship.

Napoli Transfer Market: De Laurentiis Closes for Buongiorno

Napoli Transfer Market – Here’s what we read this morning on Allsports:

“After yesterday’s meeting in Milan, Buongiorno will speak with Cairo again today (a face-to-face meeting is also possible, not just a video call). At the same time, Napoli’s top brass will try to find an agreement with Torino as quickly as possible, precisely to avoid the risk in the future of unexpected overtaking on the right by some foreign club, which has been dormant so far. De Laurentiis is putting 35 million plus bonuses on the table (3, presumably).

Cairo is asking for 45 million (at least 40 plus 5 in bonuses, according to rumors). The president will be happy to be able to say that he would have kept Buongiorno: but Alessandro… etc. etc. Now he will “only” have to try to cash in as much as possible from De Laurentiis (who has already tried to include the loan of defenders Ostigard or Natan in the deal to lower the figures).

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