Italy 24 Press News

Elections, in Giugliano the first party is the M5S. Fratelli d’Italia only third, Azione and AVS good

Elections, in Giugliano the first party is the M5S. Fratelli d’Italia only third, Azione and AVS good

Data in contrast in Giugliano where, despite the national collapse, the M5S stands as the first party in the city with 9,329 (9.329%). Second party is the PD with 6,447 (19.96%); Brothers of Italy only came in third place with 5,625 votes (17.42%); good result for Action which goes beyond 10% thanks to the 3,354 preferences. Greens and Left Alliance they stand at 7.32% with 2,363 votes. Forza Italia below the national average with 2,160 votes (6.69%). Queued there League with 1,146 votes (3.55%) and the United States of Europe with 1,119 votes (3.46%).

So in the third city in Campania the center-right does not break through, on the contrary it holds the alliance M5S-Pd which however a Giugliano seems to be wavering after the recent fibrillations in the council.

Regarding preferences it is Lello Topo the leader of the votes with 3014 preferences. Second Giorgia Meloni with 2,675 votes. Fourth Giuseppe Sommese of Action with 1,622 votes

Fifth Carmela Saulino of the Democratic Party with 1506. Sixth Antonio Ambrosino of Fdi with 1,440. Septinus Alberigo Gambino again Fdi with 1,356 votes

Then Pasquale Tridico of the M5S with 1347 votes. Elena Bonetti of Action with 1,188 votes,

Of the Danilo Valleyagain M5S, 1131. Then Raffaella Docimo of Fdi with 1,173 votes.

There are in the Democratic Party Lucia Annunziata 1035 votes. Francesco Emilio Borrelli 1,003 votes. For Fulvio Martusciello 836 votes. For Sandro Ruotolo 740 votes. 300 votes for General Vannacci in Giugliano.

The abstention rate is notable, with only one voter in 3 voting.

Voters: 96,807 | Voters: 33,241 (34.34%) | Void ballots: 834 Blank cards: 108 Contested ballots: 2

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