Italy 24 Press News

Europeans, in Lombardy Giorgia Meloni is hoarding preferences. Exploits by Salis and Vannacci, Strada does well

Milan, 10 June 2024 – Brothers of Italy it makes a leap forward reaching 31.79%; the Democratic Party confirms itself in second place with 22.63% e the League remains third party with 13.09%. Forza Italia in recovery (9.31) and surprise Green Left Alliance which is close to 7% and surpasses the 5 Star Movement (stationary at 5.67%). Here is the photograph of European vote in Lombardy, where however – as elsewhere – there was a drop in turnout: 55.29% compared to 64.10% in 2019. Milan even dropped to 52.91%: practically one in two voters did not go to vote.

Making a comparison with the previous European elections, when the League was the leading party with 43.38% and the Brothers of Italy with 5.53%, everything changed. The prime minister’s party (thanks also to hers 417,564 preferences) is first, the League is third. The Democratic Party holds second place with 22.63% of the votes (it was 23.08 five years ago) and Forza Italia rises to fourth place with 9.31%, overtaking the Five Star Movement which went from 9.34 to 5 .67 and is also behind Alleanza Verdi Sinistra with 6.78%.

Some of the preferences are significant. Roberto Vannacci with its over 113 thousand it is confirmed a good choice by Matteo Salvini for the League, while it does not appear to have moved votes Umberto Bossi’s endorsement for former Northern League member Marco Reguzzoni who candidate with Forza Italia obtained 6,531 votes.

Plebiscite for the former mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori (Pd), second in the region for preferences (178,185), preceded only by party colleague Cecilia Strada, with 191,078 votes.

Looking at previous policies, however, the picture confirms the constant growth of the Brothers of Italy, the stability of the League and an increase in preferences for the Pd, Forza Italia and Avs, partly thanks to the over 78,433 preferences in Lombardy (125,957 in the constituency) Of Ilaria Salis.

Learn more:

Ilaria Salis elected to the European Parliament: the trial in Hungary and immunity, what happens now

Milan confirms itself as a chapter apart: In the city, the Democratic Party is the leading party with 31.38% of the votes followed by Fratelli d’Italia at 21.73 and by Alleanza Verdi Sinistra in third place, over 10%, followed by Forza Italia at 8.87 and the Lega at 6.13 also surpassed from Action (6.64) and United States of Europe (6.37).

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