Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza, threatens the customers of a bar with a knife: the arrest is triggered


The incessant activity of control and prevention in the Cosenza area by the State Police assisted by the Police Commissioner of the Province of Cosenza, Dr. Giuseppe Cannizzaro and coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor’s Office. During one of the aforementioned checks, the police forces stopped and arrested a man for the crimes of private violence, serious and aggravated threats, aggravated extortion and carrying objects capable of offending in a public place.

What happened

The police were alerted by some citizens frightened by the presence of a man who, armed with a knife, was threatening people near a bar. The same man in possession of a large knife, subsequently seized, he also waved the blade near people’s faces, as well as towards bar managersin a clear state of agitation.

The reported man was tracked down by a team from the Crime Prevention Department, in a central street of the city, while he was shouting incoherent phrases. The operating personnel immediately ordered the subject to throw away the weapon and get on the ground. The man was arrested and the large kitchen knife, approximately 30 cm long, was seized.

Subsequently, steps were taken to reconstruct the criminal episodes of which the man had been the protagonist before the intervention of the Police, also thanks to the analysis of the images of the video surveillance systems, as well as of a video played on a cell phone by a passer-by and acquired to the documents. Once the formalities had been completed, the man was arrested and subsequently placed under house arrest.

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