Italy 24 Press News

European. Cosenza is a city going against the trend. M5s 1st with 20%, Pd 2nd, FI flop: also surpassed by Avs. And Lucano gets more votes than Meloni

The data for the city of Cosenza (82 sections out of 82) clearly goes against the trend, even more so than the overall regional data, compared to the national one. In the City of Bruzi the first party is the M5s, which reaches 20% and pays homage to the leader Pasquale Tridico almost with a plebiscite, since it totals 1,512 preferences. In second place is the Democratic Party, which stands at 18.65%: Antonio Decaro collects 1,337 preferences and Lucia Annunziata 1,160.

To find Fratelli d’Italia we have to go down to 3rd place and a percentage of 15.55%. Meloni (1,456 votes) does not surpass Tridico and De Francesco stops at 864 preferences, a gigantic flop in her city.

But perhaps the even greater surprise is the exploit of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, which with 11.85% trumps Forza Italia, mortified by the people of Cosenza with a dry 11.31%. Mimmo Lucano – certainly elected – even gets more votes than Meloni (1,473) and Maria Pia Funaro also flies, above 1,200. As for the Forza Italia supporters, Princi almost takes a beating in Cosenza (just 1,327 votes). Even worse is the League, which closes at 8.76% with Loizzo stopping at just 975 votes. A defeat.

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