Italy 24 Press News

European elections, Velletri results: FDI first party

Velletri follows the wind of the center-right with a clear affirmation of the government parties. Results in hand, FDI, Lega and FI together far exceed 50% of the consensus. The PD is content with being the second most voted party in the city albeit at significantly lower percentages than the national one. The Greens and Left Alliance exceeds 7%, Peace, Earth and Dignity in the city gets more votes than Renzi and Calenda. The Five Star Movement, in fourth place, exceeds 8% and obtains more support than FI.


There was anticipation for the results of a double election day which mobilized very few people compared to those entitled to vote. Velletri, in fact, closed with a turnout of 44.92% which is equivalent to 18,680 citizens who went to the polls for the renewal of the European Parliament compared to the 42,000 eligible voters.


The results are in favor of the centre-right: with 42 sections scrutinized out of 42, in fact, the affirmation of Meloni’s party is clear.

BROTHERS OF ITALY: 6743 votes – 37.20%

DEMOCRATIC PARTY: 3066 votes – 16.91%

LEAGUE: 2048 votes – 11.30%

FIVE STAR MOVEMENT: 1586 votes – 8.75%

FORZA ITALIA: 1516 votes – 8.36%

GREEN AND LEFT ALLIANCE: 1288 votes – 7.11%

PEACE, EARTH AND DIGNITY: 678 votes – 3.74%

UNITED STATES OF EUROPE: 572 votes – 3.16%

ACTION: 435 votes – 2.40%

FREEDOM: 83 votes – 0.46%


POPULAR ALTERNATIVE: 30 votes – 0.17%


The two candidates from Velletri first and foremost: Tiziana Pepe Esposito, scores 670 preferences ahead of Tajani, stuck at 622. Salvatore De Meo takes 229. She is the most voted on Berlusconi’s list. Giulia Ciafrei comes close to 400 preferences, stopping at 393 ahead of Michele Santoro who gets 310. Important numbers, then, for the candidates openly supported by various local political exponents: in Fratelli d’Italia more than 4000 votes for Giorgia Meloni alone and over 2100 for Nicola Procaccini. In the PD the two most voted candidates are only Elly Schlein with 626 votes and Nicola Zingaretti who exceeds 500 (557), Camilla Laureti also on the podium with 365. The League includes Susanna Ceccardi (1046), Davide Bordoni (988) among the top three and Roberto Vannacci (953 votes). In the Five Star Movement, Carolina Morace and 152 Dario Tamburrano obtained 182 votes, and as has often happened the preference votes are very few compared to the total of the list which instead exceeds 1500 total votes. In the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra 342 votes for Ignazio Marino, followed by Massimiliano Smeriglio (164) and Marilena Grassadonia (133). As regards the United States of Europe, the three most voted people on the Renzian list are Renzi himself (261), Marietta Tidei (136) and Emma Bonino (123). In Action the podium is made up of Calenda (89 votes), D’Amato (57) and Bonetti (45).

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