Italy 24 Press News

European elections, Forza Italia first party in Sicily: Tamajo over 110 thousand votes

With 23.7% – 5,268 sections scrutinized out of 5,304 – Forza Italia is the most voted party in Sicily for the European elections. Fratelli d’Italia is at 20.17%, M5S at 16.07% and the Pd at 14.38%. Cateno De Luca’s ‘Freedom’ list stands at 7.65% while the League is behind at 7.47%. The Greens and Left Alliance exceeds 4%; United States of Europe is at 2.06% while Action stops at 1.41%. As regards voter turnout, 38% of voters voted in Sicily, compared to 37.51% in the previous elections.

Edy Tamajo confirms himself as a top pick in Sicily. He wins the internal challenge to the Forza Italia-Noi moderate list in the Islands constituency, with a gap of 20 thousand votes over Marco Falcone at the moment; only third was the leaders Caterina Chinnici, on whom Antonio Tajani had bet. While Massimo Dell’Utri, who also received the votes of Totò Cuffaro’s DC, is fourth. Big party in the Tamajo headquarters, in the seaside village of Mondello, in Palermo. “This success is the result of hard work, dedication and support from our constituents. Thanks to all of you, today we celebrate a victory that represents not only a recognition of our commitment, but also a new beginning for the future of our community,” says Tamajo. The councilor for Productive Activities, very close to the governor Renato Schifani, therefore wins the duel with his council and party colleague Falcone, Maurizio Gasparri’s protégé in Sicily.

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