Italy 24 Press News

Faenza hosts the “Vallata del Senio” historic car rally

TO Faenza, Sunday 16 Junefrom 8 to 11.35, will take place XXXIV “Vallata del Senio” historic car rally, first “Luigi Rivola” memorial.

In the splendid setting of Piazza del Popolo, the citizens of Faenza and enthusiasts of vintage cars and motorbikes will be able to see up close a hundreds of historic cars, produced between 1920 and 1981perfectly restored, carefully preserved and travelling.

At 11.30 there will be a greeting from the vice mayor Andrea Fabbriwhile a Lions banquet will be present from 8 am in front of the Central Bar for the collection of new or used glasses and prescription lenses and sunglasses; this year there will also be a gazebo from the local section of the Italian Red Cross for it diabetes screening.

In fact, some of the best-known Lions services concern the diabetes prevention and the sight protection (prevention of blindness, early diagnosis of childhood visual problems and help to disadvantaged populations thanks to the reuse of used glasses, collected and repaired by a special assistance centre).

Since 1917 the Lions, and their youth movement the Leos, have been involved in social work with service at local, national and international levels; the areas of local commitment are multiple: health, school, environment, young people, sport and community; while at an international level against hunger, killer childhood diseases, diabetes and environmental disasters.

At 11.35 the caravan will depart towards the hills of Brisighella, to end the journey with lunch at the “5 Cucchiai” restaurant, at Villa Abbondanzi in Faenza.

The event organized by Faenza Lions Club (Faenza Host President Alessia Ponti, Valli Faentine President Omar Giama and Faenza Lioness President Simonetta Baroncini) and from CRAME. (Club Romagnolo Auto e Moto d’Epoca, President Luciano Marzocchi) has as contacts in the field Franco Donati (for CRAME) e Marco Spina And Bruno Zama (for Lions clubs).

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